- 采用46.6McV/amu C~((?)Four kinds of plant seeds were exposed to 46. 6MeV/amu C6+ ions.
- c语言
- 维生素Cvitamin(e) C
- C语言程序设计Programming in C
- 很多国家采用共和政体。Many countries have a republican form of government.
- 太多高中老师只是采用填鸭方法灌输学生。Too many high school teachers just spoon-feed their students.
- C程序设计Program Design in C
- 美国货币采用十进制。United States money has a decimal system.
- c 语言C language
- 英国货币已采用十进制。Britain has decimalized her currency.
- 浆果中含有维生素C。Berries contain vitamin C.
- 在工厂采用新的先进技术的问题是今天的议题。The introduction of new advanced techniques in the factory is under discussion today.
- 采用新式样to introduce a new fashion
- 厕所(略W.C)water closet
- 升C调C sharp (((NFC64)))
- 劝诱采用说服或引诱To use persuasion or inducement.
- 方法,工具为了进行某事或达到某种结果而采用的工具或方法A device or means of achieving or effecting a result.
- Fire和46岁的马萨诸塞州大学教授Craig C.Fire of Stanford University and Prof Craig C.
- 符号C代表版权。C symbolizes copyright.