- C程序设计语言C programming language
- dsPIC30F6014内部EEPROM读写C程序设计及其应用The Application and C Programming to the Internal EEPROM of dsPIC30F6014
- 设计design
- C程序实现Realization of C language
- 指针与C程序效率教学探讨The Analysis of The Teaching About the Pointer and the Efficiency of C Programs
- 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?What's the going rate of computer programmers?
- C程序C program
- 用C程序获取WPS文件的密码Gdt the Cipher of WPS File With C Program
- 程序设计方法(Programming in C & FORTRAN
- 求高次方程所有实根的通用C程序General C-program for the Real Root of Higher Equation
- Web程序设计Web Programming
- 基于Borland C++ Builder实现COM口通信的程序设计与研究Program Design and Study for Realize Communication of the COM Port Based on Borland C++ Builder
- 由于保持这种可兼容性是一种设计目标,C++的编译程序与现在的C程序是高度兼容的。C++ compilers are highly compatible with existing C programs because maintaining such compatibility was a design objective.
- 驱动程序设计Design of the NVRAM To Flash Driver in VxWorks
- COC++编译器的功能是将C++源程序转换为等价的C程序。COC++ compiler translates the C++ source program into C target program.
- DSP程序设计DSP programming
- PLC程序设计PLC programming
- 程序设计题program designing quest ions
- VHDL程序设计VHDL programming
- 用程序设计语言编写指令的过程。The process of writing instructions in a programming language.