- 配子赠送IVF-ETdonor gemate IV-ET; DG-IVF
- 赠送give as a present
- 体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)IVF-ET
- 赠送的presenter
- 配子generative cell
- IVF-ET中自然流产的相关因素分析Factors of early spontaneous abortion in IVF?ET.
- 免费赠送of free gift
- 抑制素与激活素在IVF-ET结局中的预测作用The predictive role of inhibin and activin in IVF-ET
- 青年志愿者分队的队员向与会者赠送了宣传手册并号召广大青年珍爱生命。The group members handed out publicity material to the participants and appealed to young people to take care of their lives.
- 雌配子oogamete
- IVFin vitro fertilization (IVF)
- 雄配子androgamete
- 我们赠送这小小的礼物以表谢意。We offer this small token by way of appreciation.
- ETendothelin(ET)
- 不减数配子unreduced gamete
- 我们公司免费赠送布料样品。Our firm gives away free samples of cloth.
- ET_1ET_1
- 范畴IVFCategory IVF
- 交换型配子crossover-type gamete