- 范畴IVFCategory IVF
- 范畴category
- IVFin vitro fertilization (IVF)
- 范畴的categorical
- IVF妊娠结局IVF pregnancy outcome
- 时、空、质、量都是范畴。Time, place, quantity and quality are categories.
- 牛性控IVF胚胎boxine sex-control IVF embryo
- IVF-20培养液IVF-20 media
- 你提出的方案将纳入重建的范畴。Your program will come within the general heading of redevelopment.
- 体外受精(IVF)IVF
- 你的建议应归入就业改造这一总的范畴。Your suggestion belongs under the general heading of employment reorganization.
- 配子赠送IVF-ETdonor gemate IV-ET; DG-IVF
- 阿贝尔范畴Abelian category
- 常规体外授精(IVF)in vitro fertilization (IVF)
- 阿贝尔群范畴category of Abelian groups
- 指一个个体的语法数字范畴。grammatical number category referring to a single item or unit.
- 肉牛IVF胚胎移植应用研究Research on application of beef cattle IVF embryo transplanting
- 阿贝耳群的范畴category of Abelian groups
- 微刺激IVF让受孕过程更舒适。Minimal Stimulation IVF Offers More Comfortable Experience.