- 赤霉素GA1/3GA GA1/3
- 赤霉素酸Gibberllic acid (GA3)
- 27减去3等于24。27 take away 3 leaves 24.
- 赤霉素浓度Gibberellin
- 10多年来这3个孩子一直靠他们的姥爷、姥姥养活。The three children have been sponging on their grandparent for over ten years.
- 赤霉素(GA)GA
- 你所提到的那个人3年前离家外出,从此就没有他的消息了。The man you speak of went abroad three years ago and no news of him has since come.
- 赤霉素生产废水gibberellin production wastewater
- 他选出3个从来帮助做这事。He counted off three men to help with the job.
- 赤霉素20氧化酶基因GA20 Oxidase
- 3是12的约数。3 is a submultiple of 12.
- 赤霉素信号转导与植物的矮化Gibberellin Signal Transduction and Plant-dwarfism
- 3个孩子交给我妈看管。My mother was left with three children.
- 一种与赤霉素相关的晶体酸a crystalline acid associated with gibberellin
- 这3只瓶一模一样。The three vases were as like as peas in a pod.
- 赤霉素对郁金香切花品质的影响Effects of gibberellic acid in quality of cut flower on Tulipa
- 这车的后座可坐3个人。Three people can sit in the back of this car.
- 赤霉素对柿果实贮藏期变化的影响Effects of GA on Changing of Persimmon in Storage
- 他坐了3年牢。He was in hock for three years.
- 出口水果中赤霉素残留量检验方法Method for the determination of gibberellic acid residues in fruits for export