- 赤霉素酸Gibberllic acid (GA3)
- 赤霉素浓度Gibberellin
- 赤霉素(GA)GA
- 赤霉素GA1/3GA GA1/3
- 赤霉素生产废水gibberellin production wastewater
- 赤霉素20氧化酶基因GA20 Oxidase
- 赤霉素信号转导与植物的矮化Gibberellin Signal Transduction and Plant-dwarfism
- 一种与赤霉素相关的晶体酸a crystalline acid associated with gibberellin
- 赤霉素对郁金香切花品质的影响Effects of gibberellic acid in quality of cut flower on Tulipa
- 赤霉素对柿果实贮藏期变化的影响Effects of GA on Changing of Persimmon in Storage
- 出口水果中赤霉素残留量检验方法Method for the determination of gibberellic acid residues in fruits for export
- 赤霉素对亚麻纤维发育及产量的影响Effect of Gibberellin on Fibre Yield of Flax
- 赤霉素及生根粉对芍药促成栽培的影响Effects of Gibberellin and Rooting Powder on the Forcing Culture of Paeonia lactiflora'Da Fugui'
- 菲尼把1969年3月20日以前发现的许多赤霉素做了一张图表。Phinney has produced a chart of the numerous gibberellins known prior to March 20, 1969.
- 从氯霉素抗性突变株筛选赤霉素高产菌株Screening of high gibberellin-producing strain from chloramphenicol resistant mutants
- 温度和赤霉素对滇重楼种子二次发育的影响Effects of Temperature and Gibberellin Treatments on the Second Growth of Seeds of Paris polyphylla var. Yunnanensis
- 环丙烷骨架赤霉素衍生物的合成及结构鉴定Synthesis and Structural Determination of GA Derivative with Cyclo Propyl Skeleton
- 外源赤霉素能影响某些竹种的有性更新过程。Vegetative rejuvenation of some bamboo species can be effected by exogenous GA3.
- 外源赤霉素对旱区烤烟叶片生长和品质的影响Effects of Applying GA on Flue-cured Tobacco Growth of Leaf and Inner Quality in Droughty Region
- 赤霉素浸种与低温层积对桂花种子发芽的影响Impact of Osmanthus fragrans seed gibberellin processing and low temperature stratification on its seed germination performan