- 英国女诗人罗塞蒂.C.G.Chtistina Georgina Rossetti.British poetess.
- 笑一笑而忘掉,比愁眉苦脸地记住要好得多。英国女诗人罗塞蒂Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.--Chtistina Georgina Rossetti.British poetess.
- 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有激情的。英国女诗人布朗宁I tell you hopeless grief is passionless.E.B.Browning, British poetess
- 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有激情的。(英国女诗人布朗宁)I tell you hopeless grief is passionless. (E.B.Browning, British poetess)
- c语言
- 女诗人poetess
- 她是位多才多艺、演技高超的女演员。She is a versatile and superlative actress.
- C语言程序设计Programming in C
- “忘掉和微笑要比/记住和悲伤美好得多” (克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂)。"Better by far you should forget and smile/Than that you should remember and be sad" (Christina Rossetti).
- 时髦的女发型a fashionable hairdo
- 因狗死了而哀伤;伤感的电影;哀伤的消息;忘掉和微笑要比/记住和悲伤美好得多克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂。feeling sad because his dog had died; a sad movie; sad news; Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad- Christina Rossetti.
- (女鞋的)细高跟stiletto heel
- C程序设计Program Design in C
- 宫廷女诗人court poetess
- 《简·爱》是十九世纪英国女小说家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(1816-1855)的代表作之一。Jane Eyre, a representative work of Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855), a British novelist in the nineteenth century, depicts an intricate love story of Jane Eyre and Mr.
- 人口中男女的比例是多少?What is the proportion of men to women in the population?
- “什么会抚慰不能忘却的痛苦/并且让无法忘怀的人学会遗忘?” (但丁·加布利亚尔·罗塞蒂)。"What shall assuage the unforgotten pain/And teach the unforgetful to forget?" (Dante Gabriel Rossetti).
- c 语言C language
- 他是英国籍。He is of British nationality.
- 他是个方言诗人。He is a vernacular poet.