- 缺血性T波ischemic T wave
- 波surge
- 灯盏花素注射液对缺血性视神经病变患者血流动力学的影响Influence of Breviscapine injection on hemodynamics after in ischemic optic neuropath Hai-Lan Liao
- 再次肝移植治疗缺血性胆管铸型症(附一例报告及文献复习)Treatment of Ischemical Biliary Cast Syndrome with Liver Retransplantation
- 溶血磷脂酸在早期缺血性脑血管病发生中的作用及对疗效和预后的评估价值Application of plasma lysophosphatidic acid in patients with early cerebral ischemic attack and evaluation of therapeutic effect and prognosis
- 缺血性坏死ischemic necrosis
- 缺血性ischemic
- 缺血性肠绞痛ischemic intestinal colic
- 缺血性的ischemic
- 缺血性神经病ischemic neuropathy
- 骨缺血性坏死ischemic necrosis of bone
- 糖尿病缺血性中风中医证型与血清炎症细胞因子关系的研究Studies on relationship with traditional Chinese medicine syndromes and serum inflammatory cellular factor in patients with diabetic ischemic stroke
- 月骨缺血性坏死ischemic necrosis of lunar bone
- 缺血性肠病ischemic enteropathy
- 缺血性肌病ischemic myopathy
- 缺血性卒中ischemic stroke
- 缺血性中风ischemic stroke
- 缺血性损伤ischemic injury
- 缺血性挛缩ischemic contracture
- 缺血性肠炎ischemic enterocolitis