- 种子光与抽运光能量比对布里渊放大的影响The influence of the ratio of seed to pump energy on Brillouin amplification
- 法law
- 光注入photoinjection
- 无法unable
- 光light
- 外光注入external light injection
- 种子seed
- 用法usage
- 光注入器optical injector
- 说法statement
- 注入pour in
- 结果表明对于以光参量啁啾脉冲放大系统代替800nm中心波长的Ti:sappire再生放大系统,用BBO晶体可获得更宽的增益带宽,而对1053nm中心波长的种子光用LBO晶体更好。The results show that it is better to use BBO in Ti:sappire system with 800nm central wavelength and LBO with 1 053nm central wavelength.
- 光的photic
- 多芯屏蔽电缆屏蔽效能的脉冲电流注入法测量Measurment of Shielding Efficiency for Multi-wire Shielded Cables by Injecting Method of Pulse Current
- 冷却光注入cooling laser beam injecting
- S注入法S-injection
- 光注入方程optical injection formula
- 注入法S-injection method
- 枕大池动脉血溶血物注入法建立大鼠蛛网膜下腔出血模型Establishment of a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage by cisterna magna injection of autologus arterial hemolysate