- 现代OSS的发展特点Developing Features of Current OSS
- 本文首先探讨了OSS的发展以及SNMP协议的网络管理标准。This text inquiried into the development of the OSS and the network of the SNMP agreement management standard first.
- OSS的开发和部署The Development and Deployment of OSS
- 特点trait
- 现代modern times
- 不断优化的产品和日益缩短的研发周期是现代汽车工业的发展特点。The automotive industry is shaped and determined by continuous product optimization and short innovation cycles.
- 体育院校与普通院校大学生成就动机发展特点的比较研究Research on Achievement Motivation Developmental Characteristics of PE Specialty and Regular Institute Undergraduates
- 小学生情绪表现规则的发展特点及与同伴接受性的关系研究Developmental Characteristics of the Pupils'Emotion Display Rules and Its Relationship to the Peer Acceptance
- 现代飞机的发展the evolution of modern aircraft
- 在意大利,未来派对现代艺术的发展作出了决定性的贡献。In Italy a decisive contribution to the development of modern art was made by the Futurists.
- 用生命周期评价化学、机械和生物制浆方法可持续性发展特点Evaluating Chemical-, Mechanical-, and Bio-Pulping Processes and Their Sustainability Characterization Using Life -cycle Assessment
- 外语教学法主要流派在德国的发展和对现代外语教学的影响Development of Main Sects of Foreign-language Teaching Methods in Germany and the Influence on the Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages
- 心理发展特点characteristics of psychological development
- 现代医学的发展advances in modern medicine
- 国外发展特点Development Characteristics Abroad
- 新加坡现代佛教建筑的发展Development of modern Buddhist architecture in Singapore
- 王玲慧,万勇.国际大都市新城发展特点比较[J].城市问题,2004(2).The House of Commons: The New Towns: Their Problems and Future [ R]. London: The Stationery Office Limited, 27th July 2002.
- 他甚至还留心着现代文学的发展。He even followed the development of contemporary literature.
- 现代判断理论的发展The Development of the Modern Theory of Judgment