- OSS的开发和部署The Development and Deployment of OSS
- 本文专注于对公钥基础设施的一些关键的技术问题进行研究,为公钥基础设施的开发和部署提供理论基础。This paper focuses on studying and analyzing some key techniques of Public Key Infrastructure. All the research result will lay the foundation of development and deployment of a PKI.
- 本文首先探讨了OSS的发展以及SNMP协议的网络管理标准。This text inquiried into the development of the OSS and the network of the SNMP agreement management standard first.
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 作为支持异构分布系统的开发和运行的环境和平台 ,在众多的领域得到了广泛的应用。As an environment and platform which can sustain developing and running of heterogeous distributed system ,it has gained extensive application in many fields.
- 全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育Carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice
- 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
- 跨平台二进制兼容性能够简化中间件组件的开发和部署,与此相似,Microsoft认为胖客户端应用程序应能利用设备特定的功能以改善用户体验。Just as cross-platform binary compatibility simplifies middleware component development and deployment, Microsoft believes that rich-client applications should take advantage of device-specific functionality to improve the user experience.
- 黑曜岩的开发和利用Utilization and development of obsidian
- 编辑外部应用程序清单以指向新的程序集位置和部署清单。Edit the external application manifest to point to the new assembly location and the deployment manifest.
- 高校档案的开发和利用Developing and Utilizing Fries In College
- 现在已有多种不同的IP传真技术与方法得到了开发和部署。A number of different technologies and approaches to IP fax are currently being developed and deployed.
- 变色纤维的开发和应用Development and Application of Chameleon Fibers
- 这种灵活性将让设备厂商在开创和部署新的网络技术和协议方面更有进取心。This flexibility allows equipment vendors to be much more aggressive in creating and deploying new network technologies and protocols.
- 尿素下游产品的开发和利用Development and Application of Carbamide downstream Product
- 直进式拉丝机的开发和应用Development and application of straight-line drawing machine
- 所使用的处理模式的类型将确定控件的使用方式,以及报表的创建、处理和部署方式。The type of processing mode that you use determines how the control is used and how reports are created, processed, and deployed.
- 芳纶骨架材料的开发和生产Development and production of aramid reinforcing material
- 同时,扩展的模板库提供了更多选择,帮助您迅速选择和部署适合工作组需要的团队空间。At the same time, the expanded template library gives you more choices to quickly select and deploy a team space suitable for your work group.
- 真丝经编面料的开发和生产Development and production of silk warp-knitted fabric