tighten up a screw; 拧紧螺丝
screw [twist] the cap off a bottle; 拧开瓶盖
The more they talked, the more they disagreed. 两人越说越拧。
He is always at cross-purposes with others. 他总是跟大家拧着。
All is wrong. 全给弄拧了。
twist pieces of straw into a rope; 把稻草拧成绳子
pull together; make joint efforts; 拧成一股劲儿
pinch a child's face playfully; 开玩笑地拧小孩的脸
give him a pinch 拧了他一把
He is a pigheaded [bullheaded] person.; He is a stubborn as a mule. 这人真拧。
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