



  1. 他边走边用口哨吹著快乐的曲子。
    He whistled a happy tune as he walked along.
  2. 没能上大学焉知非福,我想你在大学里是不会觉得快乐的。
    Not getting into university may be a blessing in disguise; I don't think you'd have been happy there.
  3. 斜线号一种斜线符号,尤用于对选择加以区分,如和/或者,表示每 ... 这一词,如英里/小时,和在诗尾表示连续打印行,如老国王考勒/是一个快乐的老人
    A diagonal mark(/) used especially to separate alternatives, as in and/or, to represent the word per, as in miles/hour, and to indicate the ends of verse lines printed continuously, as in Old King Cole/Was a merry old soul.
  4. 我可以向你保证,你儿子在这里会很快乐的。
    I can assure you that your son will be happy here.
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