- 小波域JND门限JND thresholds in wavelet domain
- 基于多数字基整数和小波域JND的多重数字水印Digital Watermarking Via Multiple-based Number and JND Threshold in Wavelet Domain
- 介绍了一维小波变换和用于小波去噪的硬门限和软门限处理方法 ,给出了4种门限估算准则 .The one dimension wavelet transform was introduced and the method of the hard threshold and the soft threshold that is used in wavelet de noising. Four kinds of rules of assessing threshold are given.
- 门door
- JND门限JND threshold
- 小波域wavelet domain
- 波surge
- 小波域声纳图像识别Sonar image recognition in wavelet domain
- 门限threshold
- 复小波域complex wavelet domain
- 小波变换wavelet transformation
- 多小波域multi-wavelet domain
- 摘要提出了一种新的用于数字图像篡改证明的小波域脆弱水印算法。In this paper, we present a novel fragile wavelet-based image watermarking algorithm for the tamper-proofing of data images.
- 基于小波变换的双门限航迹关联算法Algorithm for Double-Threshold Track Correlation Based on Wavelet Transform
- 基于小波域混合状态隐马尔科夫树模型的文本图像子带分割算法A Document Segmentation Algorithm Based on Subbands by Wavelet-Domain Mixture-State Hidden Markov Tree Models
- 用小波变换求解门形框架动力响应Dynamic Response Analysis of Structure Using Wavelet Transform
- 小波域图像水印技术Digital watermark based on DWT
- 改进的小波收缩消噪技术及确定消噪门限的方法A Improved Wavelet Shrinkage Method and Determining of the Denoise Threshold
- 小波压缩域Wavelet compressed domain
- 小波频域矩moments of wavelet subband histgrams in frequency domain