- 对向放电PDPOpposite discharge PDP
- 表面放电PDPSurface discharge PDP
- 向towards
- 公众对向叛军出售武器提出强烈的抗议。There was a public outcry about selling arms to rebels.
- 向上zenithward
- 对向型等离子体显示板放电特性分析Numerical Simulation of the Discharge Characteristics in ACM PDP Cell
- 向前onward
- 向下down
- 内向diffidence
- 外向extroversion
- 向左sinistrad
- 对向subtend
- 向右rightwards
- 在导线测量中,下午对向观测垂直角应该是容易安排的。In a traverse, afternoon reciprocal angles should be easy to arrange.
- 语言设计人员一般对向编程语言中添加新关键字比较保守。Language designers are generally conservative about adding new keywords to a programming language.
- 对向渡线facing point crossover
- 对向犯correspondence offense
- 对向肌opponens
- 对向力opposite forces
- 对向流counter current