- 坡那甾酮苷AWarabisterone
- 坡那甾酮甙Aponasteroside A; warabisterone
- 坡那甾酮ponasterone
- 松甾酮苷APonasteroside A
- 那which
- 黄酮苷Aflavonol glycoside A
- 那种the sort of
- 美鼠李苷Acascaroside A
- 醋酸去氧皮质酮,醋酸去氧皮甾酮,去氧皮质酮醋酸酯,21-醋氧孕酮,21-乙酰氧基孕酮Desoxycorticosterone Acetate
- 番泻苷A-番泻苷BSenade; Sennosides A and B
- 银杏总黄酮苷在大鼠体内的肠吸收动力学特征Studies on the absorption kinetics of total flavonol glycosides of Ginkgo biloba extract in rats'intestine
- 螺内酯,安体舒通螺旋内酯,螺旋内酯固醇,螺旋内酯甾酮Aldactone A
- 远志皂苷A、B、C、Dsenega-saponin A, B, C, D
- 螺内酯,螺旋内酯甾酮,螺旋内酯固醇,螺旋内酯,安体舒通Verospiron
- 珍珠菜总黄酮苷诱导HL-60细胞凋亡作用的研究Study on Apoptosis of HL-60 Cell Line Induced by Total Flavones of Lysimachia Clethroides Duby
- 五加苷Aeleutheroside A
- 雌激素酮,雌酮,雌甾酮,雌性酮,雌素酮,氧代甾酚,动情酮Kestrone; Ketodestrin; Ketohydroxyestrin; Ketohydroxyoestrin; Kolpon
- 双藿苷Adiphylloside A
- 雌酮,雌性酮,雌激素酮,雌素酮,氧代甾酚,动情酮,雌甾酮Estrone; Oeslroperos; Oestrin; Oestroform; Oestrone; Theelin
- 酮苷ketoside