- 坡那甾酮甙Aponasteroside A; warabisterone
- 坡那甾酮苷AWarabisterone
- 坡那甾酮ponasterone
- 松甾酮甙Aponasteroside A; warabisterone
- 那which
- 雪莲黄酮甙A_1对小鼠中枢神经系统的作用Effects of Saussurea Flavone Glycoside A_1 on CNS of Mouse
- 那种the sort of
- 毛花甙Acordilan at A
- 醋酸去氧皮质酮,醋酸去氧皮甾酮,去氧皮质酮醋酸酯,21-醋氧孕酮,21-乙酰氧基孕酮Desoxycorticosterone Acetate
- 柴胡皂甙Asaikosaponin A
- 银杏黄酮甙对人巨细胞病毒感染促进动脉粥样硬化发生和发展的保护作用Protective effect of ginkgo flavone glycoside on the improvement of the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis by human cytomegalovirus
- 毛洋地黄甙ALanatosid A
- 螺内酯,安体舒通螺旋内酯,螺旋内酯固醇,螺旋内酯甾酮Aldactone A
- 定量分析银杏黄酮甙的水解反应条件Hydrolysis Reaction Condition for Quantification of Ginkgo Flavonoid Glycosides
- 螺内酯,螺旋内酯甾酮,螺旋内酯固醇,螺旋内酯,安体舒通Verospiron
- 铃兰皂甙A,B,C,Dconvallasaponin A, B, C, D
- 雌激素酮,雌酮,雌甾酮,雌性酮,雌素酮,氧代甾酚,动情酮Kestrone; Ketodestrin; Ketohydroxyestrin; Ketohydroxyoestrin; Kolpon
- 固相萃取和高效液相色谱相结合快速测定苦瓜甙A的含量Rapid Analysis of Momordicoside A in Bitter Melon by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Following Solid Phase Extraction
- 酸水解法提取大豆异黄酮甙元工艺研究Study on the Processing of Extracting Soy Isoflavone Aglycone by Acid Hydrolysis
- 雌酮,雌性酮,雌激素酮,雌素酮,氧代甾酚,动情酮,雌甾酮Estrone; Oeslroperos; Oestrin; Oestroform; Oestrone; Theelin