- 联想谋求更大的PC市场份额Lenovo to boost PC market share
- 路透财经:惠普瞄准中国PC市场HP Takes Aim at China PC Market
- 台式PC市场desktop PC market
- 中国商用台式PC市场China's Business Desktop PC Market
- 42岁的迈克尔·戴尔与43岁的杨元庆在PC市场的斗法似乎才刚刚开始。The 42-year-old Michael Dell, and 43-year-old Yang in the PC market seems to count only just begun.
- 说它笨,是因为它把功能强大的台式PC机变成了批处理的笨终端。It's stupid because it turns a powerful desktop PC into a dumb batch terminal.
- 台式PCDesktop PC
- 台式PC机desktop PC
- 台式PC芯片desktop PC chip
- 台式desk-top
- 台式机desktop
- 他们向市场推出一种新产品。They put a new product on the market.
- 台式电脑desktop computer
- 台式PC传统价值链traditional value chain of desktop PCs
- 大批家用电气产品突然涌进市场。There was a sudden influx of household electric products onto the market.
- 他让我搭车去市场。He gave me a ride to the plaza.
- 争夺汽车市场joust for the auto market
- 正因为台式PC的广泛应用和推广,使越来越多的人了解它、熟悉它、愿意使用它。Because the widely use of desktop PC, more and more people are familiar with it.
- 蔬菜和水果用联畜运往市场。Vegetables and fruit were teamed to market.
- 股票市场是商业的晴雨表。The stock market is a barometer of business.