- 中国商用台式PC市场China's Business Desktop PC Market
- 中国商用台式PC市场研究年度报告Annual Report on China's Business Desktop PC Market
- 路透财经:惠普瞄准中国PC市场HP Takes Aim at China PC Market
- 新扬天商用台式系列New Yangtian Commercial Desktop System
- 联想谋求更大的PC市场份额Lenovo to boost PC market share
- 中国创造:中国商用车的先天优势Innovation China: the natural advantages of commercial vehicles in China
- "2004欧曼速度"书写中国商用车行业成长奇迹"AUMAN Speed in 2004" Made a Miracle of Growing Up in China Commercial Vehicle Industry
- 42岁的迈克尔·戴尔与43岁的杨元庆在PC市场的斗法似乎才刚刚开始。The 42-year-old Michael Dell, and 43-year-old Yang in the PC market seems to count only just begun.
- 说它笨,是因为它把功能强大的台式PC机变成了批处理的笨终端。It's stupid because it turns a powerful desktop PC into a dumb batch terminal.
- 中国商用生物技术的主要制约因素是风险资本的缺乏。The main brake on commercial biotech in China, though, has been its dearth of venture capital.
- 台式PCDesktop PC
- 台式PC机desktop PC
- 台式PC芯片desktop PC chip
- 他们向市场推出一种新产品。They put a new product on the market.
- 1927年中国革命进入了它历史上的一个新时期。In1927 the Chinese revolution entered a new period in its history.
- 台式PC传统价值链traditional value chain of desktop PCs
- 大批家用电气产品突然涌进市场。There was a sudden influx of household electric products onto the market.
- 在过去的20年中,中国发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place in China in the last twenty years.
- "一个中国" 的原则"one-China" principle
- 他让我搭车去市场。He gave me a ride to the plaza.