- 发布必须的包(&R)Deploy &required packages
- 发布to release
- 此发布必须已经存在且必须符合标识符规则。The publication must already exist and must conform to the rules for identifiers.
- 它也把每个数据包包封在一个新的包中,该新包包含了建立、维持和不再需要时拆掉隧道所必须的信息。It also encapsulates each data packet in a new packet that contains the information necessary to set up,maintain and tear down the tunnel when it's no longer needed.
- 如果你发现缺少单上所列我们所必须的任何项目,请告诉我。If you find anything that will not be available in the list of things we will need,let me know.
- 同样,一个到达外部路由器接口D的包被保证来自外部的网络。Similarly,a packet arriving on interfaced of the exterior rout is guaranteed to come from the external network.
- 发布者promulgator
- 航线驾驶员训练计划在过去十几年中已经历过重要而必须的Airline pilot training programmes have undergone im- portant and necessary changes in the past decade
- 荧光标识的环糊精二聚体与小肽衍生物之间的包合行为研究Study on Inclusion Behavior of Labeling CD Dimers with a Fluorescence Tracer to Small Peptide Derivatives
- 他的出席是绝对必须的。His attendance is a must.
- 他把我的衣服全打到自己的包里带走了,所以我被甩下来狼狈极了。He went away with all my clothes packed in his own gabs,so I was left really up a gum tree.
- 前凝血剂血液凝结所必须的凝血因子的凝血酶原The precursor of any of various blood factors necessary for coagulation.
- CEI的产品发布版增加了一个新的包,The production release of the CEI adds a new package
- 他做了所有必须的解释。he made all the obligatory apologies.
- 一切必须的材料应准备就绪。All necessary materials should be on hand.
- 当日后要检查和理解每一处对源码的修改时,这样的包会难以处理。Such a package is a bit cumbersome to inspect and understand for each source tree modification later.
- 我没有做学问所必须的天资。I have not the gifts that are necessary for scholarship.
- SSIS设计器以图形方式实现SSIS对象模型,使您可以创建执行各种函数的包。SSIS Designer graphically implements the SSIS object model, letting you create packages that perform a wide range of functions.
- 你知道你必须的You know you really oughta
- 重建是必须的(&N)Rebuild as &needed