- 重建是必须的(&N)Rebuild as &needed
- 在切食物之前,有些美国人会把刀叉换个手,但此举并不是必须的。Before cutting food,some Americans switch their knife and fork to the opposite hands,but it isn't necessary to do this.
- 在乐谱或者一个乐队或者管弦乐队的安排里是必须的乐器the instruments called for in a musical score or arrangement for a band or orchestra
- 摘要生态恢复与重建是当前学术界关注的热点问题之一。The ecological restoration and reconstruction has become the hot spot of academia right now.
- l、螺旋CTSSD、VRT重建是诊断骨盆及骸臼骨折的有效手段。VRT was not talstically sighficant of pelvis and acetabularfractUres.
- 在许多情况下,“走”是必须的。In many cases it is necessary to "move away".
- 公共生活的毁坏和重建是人们每日所做的种种个人决定的综合结果。The demolition and reconstruction of public life is the result of personal decisions made every day.
- 体检是必须的吗?Is the medical examination obligatory ?
- 摘要在年轻且生活活跃的病人当中,对于已损坏手指的近端指间关节重建是一个困难的挑战。Reconstruction of the damaged proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint is a difficult task, especially in the young active patient.
- 制定考核制度是必须的。It is imperative to institute a system for the evaluation of work.
- 这意味着作者用不着锤炼每一个词,而这在传统情书的书写中是必须的。This means that a message writer might not have to agonize over every word,as is often expected with traditional love letters.
- 是必须的; 必须...It is necessary for sb. to do sth. (It is necessary that ...) ...
- 这样的走是许可的,是必须的。Such moving away is both permissible and necessary.
- 网站内所订立的各类语文班之学费,请问是不是必须跟随的?Are the language lesson fees suggested by www.languagemama.com standardized?
- 打印机(不是必须的)Printer (not required)
- 神的优雅是必须的。The grace of God is required.
- 圆荚体中的每一成员因此对整体能量流也是重要而必须的。Each member of the pod is therefore necessary and important unto the energy of the whole.
- Unix的知识是必须的。Knowledge of UNIX is also a must.
- 既警告又宣讲福音是必须的。It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize.
- 他把所有的钱都留给了该镇,条件是必须用这些钱来建一个新足球场。He left all his money to the town with the stipulation that it should be used to build a new football stadium.