- 反转Stroop效应reverse Stroop effect
- Stroop效应和反转Stroop效应的脑事件相关电位研究An ERP Study of Stroop Effect and Reverse Stroop Effect in Chinese Color-word
- 转to convey
- 阈下情绪启动效应和Stroop效应之对比实验研究A Comparative Study of Subliminal Affective Priming and the Emotional Stroop Effect
- 反anti-
- 分散和集中注意条件下的Stroop效应:意识的影响Stroop Effect under Divided vs.Focused Attention: the Influence of Consciousness
- 反转rollback
- 反转的Stroop效应reverse Stroop effect
- 表型反转phenotypic reversion
- 不完全反转imperfect inversion
- 波前反转wavefront reversal
- 电场反转field inversion
- 反转条件turnaround condition
- 构象反转conformational inversion
- 反转节antitrochanter
- 自反转self reversal
- 畴反转domain switch
- 控制反转IoC - Inversion of Control
- 差反转contrast reversal
- 正/反转forward/reversal rotation