- 关闭当前MDI子窗口Close the current MDI child window
- DIBLOOK选择一个与当前活动的MDI子窗口中显示的DIB颜色表相匹配的调色板。DIBLOOK selects a color palette matching the color table of the DIB displayed in the currently active MDI child window.
- 子midnight
- 当前modern
- 所有MDI子窗口均水平平铺在MDI父窗体的工作区内。All MDI child windows are tiled horizontally within the client region of the MDI parent form.
- 同时关闭当前的连接。Also closes the current connection.
- 当前的nowaday
- 所有MDI子窗口均垂直平铺在MDI父窗体的工作区内。All MDI child windows are tiled vertically within the client region of the MDI parent form.
- 当前页current page
- 帖子post
- 关闭当前玩家所有非触发单位的声音。MUTE UNIT SPEECH Mute all non-trigger unit sounds for current player.
- 亲子parent-offspring
- 贴子notice
- 选择所有在关闭当前节标签后的所有内容Selects everything in the document after the closing tag of the current node
- 当前目录current directory
- 滚子roller
- 提子grape
- 是否关闭当前的连接?Are you sure you want to close the current connection?
- 腻子lacquer putty
- 婚生子legitimate child