- 丰田生产方式(TPS)TPS
- 丰田生产方式的物流系统研究A Study on Material Flow System of TPS
- 丰田生产方式在载货车车身生产中的应用Application of Toyota Production System in Truck Body Production
- 丰田生产方式Toyota Production System
- 丰田生产方式及其新发展在我国农机企业的应用Application of TPS and its New Development in Chinese Agricultural Machine Enterprise
- 丰田生产方式在Gemplus(天津)公司的应用研究An Application Study of Toyota Production System in Gemplus (Tianjin)
- TPS添加剂TPS additive
- TPS不育系TPS cytoplasmic male sterile line
- 在为丰田车队效力了四年之后,宗塔也加入了雷诺车队。Zonta will join Renaul t after four seasons at Toyota.
- 封建制生产方式feudal mode of production
- 丰田2号Fengtian No.2
- TPS集散系统TPS distribute system
- 奴隶制生产方式slavery mode of production
- 现代,奥迪,大众,三菱,克莱斯勒,丰田,凌志,北京吉普配件Business Scope: Auto Parts for Hyundai, Audi, VW, Mitsubishi, Chrysler, Toyota, Lexus and Beijing Jeep Tel
- TPS系统概况TPS system summary
- 原始公社生产方式mode of production of the primitive commune
- 每加仑汽油可以开40英里,而丰田车每加仑只能开36英里。It does 40 miles per gallon and the Toyota only does 36 miles per gallon.