- TPS系统概况TPS system summary
- 非洲稀树草原生态系统概况Ecosystem of Savanna in Africa
- 在TPS系统中实现温度串级调节Realization of temperature cascade regulation in TPS system
- 北药股份物流系统概况。The Logistics System of Beijing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
- TPS系统在大型制氧机中的应用The Usage of TPS System in Giant Oxygen Making Maching
- TPS系统在工程应用中的讨论Discussion of TPS System on Practice Application
- 你能介绍一下该电厂的电气系统概况吗?Could you introduce the outline of the electrical system of the power plant?
- TPS系统TPS system
- 国家气象中心中期集合预报系统概况Ensemble Prediction System at NMC/CMA
- 聚酯装置TPS系统故障探因Searching Reasons of Fault of TPS System in the Polymer Unit
- TPS系统在环氧树脂生产中的应用Application of TPS in the Production of Epoxy Resin
- 我国电力工业直流电源系统概况及其运行维护A Survey and Operation and Maintenance of Direct Current Power Source System in China's Power Industry
- TPS系统在离子膜烧碱装置中的应用Application of TPS system in ionic exchange membrane caustic soda units
- 监测概况Survey of monitor
- 英国概况Survey of the Great Britain
- TPS系统在齐鲁石化高压聚乙烯装置中的应用Application of TPS System in LDPE Plant of Qilu Petrochemical Compang
- 淋巴系统lymphatic system
- 还分别说明DVD光盘本身以及它使用的播放机、显像管和立体声放音系统概况。In addition,the paper briefly describes the DVD optical disc,DVD player,display tube,and stereo sound system respectively.
- 电力系统分析Power System Analysis
- II型系统type-II system