- Potential Evaluation of Wheat SSR Markers for Genetic Analysis ofAgropyron Geartn. 小麦SSR引物在冰草属植物分析应用中的评价。
- wheat SSR markers 小麦SSR引物
- Title: Genetic Diversity of D-genome Revealed by SSR Markers in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. 关键词:小麦;D染色体组;微卫星分子标记;遗传差异
- Because of the high polymorphism, newly synthesized hexaploid wheat has been used in the construction of genetic segregation population for SSR markers. 由于人工合成小麦与小麦品种之间存在高的遗传多样性,人工合成小麦已被大量应用于小麦分子标记工作中。
- A genetic linkage map was constructed based on SSR markers. 基于微卫星标记建立了一个遗传连锁图。
- Genetic integrity of 29 cotton (Gossypium hirsutum Linn.) accessions was analyzed using SRAP and SSR markers. 摘要利用SRAP和SSR分子标记检测29份棉花种质遗传完整性。
- Comparision of cultivar fingerprints constructed with SRAP and SSR markers in Brassica napus L. SRAP和SSR标记构建的甘蓝型油菜品种指纹图谱比较。
- Studies on allelism were analyzed among the ID24, 810S and M61S. The tms gene in ID24 was mapped using SSR markers. 同时对来源不同的ID24、810S和M61S这三个不育系的基因等位性进行分析。
- Over 70% A/B genome specific SSR markers could amplify the SSR sequences from the D genome of Ae. tauschii. 所有的引物能够在四倍体小麦中扩增出微卫星产物,四倍体小麦中的扩增产物也出现在新的人工合成小麦中;
- Verification and Cloning of SSR Marker Linked with the Gene of Verticillium Wilt Resistance in Gossypium barbadense L. 海岛棉品种抗黄萎病基因SSR标记的验证及克隆。
- A previous study has mapped the Ihd gene onto chromosome 10 with SSR markers, but the linked markers were found on one side of the target gene. 先前的研究利用SSR标记已将lhd基因定位在第10染色体上,但只在目标基因一侧找到标记。
- SSR marker Xgwm340 was from Yangmai 158, and the other SSR markers (Xgwm102, Xgwm155, Xgwm71-2, Xgwm645, Xgwm437) were from ARz. 标记Xgwm340来源于感病品种扬麦158,其余的SSR标记(Xgwm102、Xgwm155、Xgwm71-2、Xgwm645、Xgwm437)来源于抗病亲本ARz;
- Phylogenetic relationships among 18 accessions belonging to Fortunella and Citrus were investigated by using SSR markers. 用SSR标记分析了金柑属(Fortunella)及柑橘属(Citrus)植物的亲缘关系。
- An SSR marker was used for the identification of yellow rust strains Cy28 and Cy29-mut3 of P.striiformis f. sp. 测定所用菌种为Cy28和Cy29-mut3。
- While denaturing PAGE silver-staining detection would be used in examaining a few samples, especially in screening SSR markers. 对少量材料进行检测分析以及SSR标记的筛选时,使用常规的变性PAGE银染检测法更经济适用。
- Wu X L, He C Y, Chen S Y, Zhuang B C, Wang K J, Wang X C, Phylogenetic analysis of interspecies in genus Glycine through SSR markers. 吴晓雷;贺超英;陈受宜;庄炳昌;王克晶王学臣.;用SSR分子标记研究大豆属种间亲缘进化关系
- The genetic relationship between common wild rices from Qionghai and Sanya in Hainan were studied by using 37 SSR markers. 用37个SSR标记分析了新发现的琼海普通野生稻与三亚普通野生稻间的遗传关系。
- To detect the genetic diversity of genus Corylus in China, 7 species (variety) of Corylus were analyzed using SSR markers. 摘要采用SSR分子标记技术,对中国榛属植物进行了遗传分析。
- Consequently, SSR markers could be used for measuring genetic variation and assigning maize inbred lines to heterotic groups. 研究表明,利用SSR标记可以进行玉米自交系遗传变异分析,并用于杂种优势群划分。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。