- Injected wet saturated steam moving override on top reservoir and fingering along high permeability zone have been the main problem of cyclic steam stimulation. 注入油层的湿饱和蒸汽向油层顶部超覆推进以及沿高渗透区域指进一直是蒸汽吞吐开采过程中的主要矛盾。
- wet saturated steam 含水饱和蒸汽
- In vertical lines, the flow shall normally be downward for wet gases and saturated steam and upward for liquids containing vapor. 对于立式管线,流动方向要求为:湿气和饱和蒸汽一般向下流动,含有蒸气的液体一般向上流动。
- Steam is superheated by being heated above the temperature of saturated steam. 蒸汽被加热到饱和蒸汽的温度以上使之过热。
- Standard pressure settings for saturated steam service are 5 through 15 psig. 对于饱和蒸汽系统来说,标准的压力设置是5至15 psig。
- Saturated steam at superheater continue endothermic become superheated steam. 饱和蒸汽在过热器中继续吸热,成为过热蒸汽。
- Measured wetness of saturated steam plays an important role in the thermal efficiency and safety of condensing turbine. 湿蒸汽参数的准确测量,对汽轮机的经济性和安全性具有重大意义。
- And make use of the water of saturated steam make a steady polymer in the spore to hydrolyze. 并利用饱和蒸气中的水分使芽孢中稳定的聚合物(钙)水解。
- The structure alteration of the lignin treated with saturated steam is more than that heated in dry condition. 与用水蒸气加热处理相比,在干燥条件下加热后木素结构变化相对较小。
- Saturated steam and cooling water can be inputted in the empty roller to adjust speed of roller. 辊筒内部为空心,可以根据使用要求,通入蒸汽或冷却水,用来调节辊筒的温度。
- However, saturated steam was a much faster sterilizing agent than dry heat whether the spores were occluded or not. 然而,不管孢子是否被封闭,饱和蒸汽都是比干热见效快得多的灭菌剂。
- In order to size a stop-check the technical information needed is saturated steam gage pressure in pounds per square inch and actual required steam volume flow in pounds per hour. 为了正确选择自动阻断止回角阀的公称通径,首先需要一些技术数据:饱和蒸汽表压(每平方英寸多少磅)和所需要的、准确的蒸汽流量(每小时多少磅)。
- From 1909 to 1920, 28 saturated steam locomotives were put into service, all of which were manufactured at the machine factory in Esslingen. 从 1909年到1920年, 共28台饱和蒸汽机车投入使用,全部都是在埃斯林根工厂制造的。
- The plunger was pushed into the steam chamber, thus immediately exposing the spore strips to the saturated steam at the desired temperature. 活塞被推入蒸汽室,从而立即将孢子纸带在理想的温度下暴露于饱和蒸汽。
- Saturated steam extraction from the evaporator of HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) is often applied in various industries. 抽取余热锅炉的部分饱和蒸汽供吸收式制冷或供热是常见的余热利用方式之一。
- Saturated steam extraction from the evaporator of heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is often applied in various industries. 在单压过热蒸汽余热锅炉变工况解析解的基础上,推导出其抽汽运行特性的近似解析解,讨论抽汽运行的典型解析特性。
- The fur collar mats when it gets wet. 皮领子湿了时毛就结在一起。
- The former afterheat utilizing system generates electricity by burning oil to super-heat saturated steam and drive the steam turbine or depressurizing throu gh a decompressor. 金隆铜业有限公司原余热利用系统采用燃油在过热炉中将饱和蒸汽过热后,再由多级汽轮机发电,或者采用减压阀减压。
- Consider first the boiler plant involved in the cycle. Feed-water is supplied to the boiler drum, where is boiled and converted into dry saturated steam. 首先考虑在循环中所涉及的锅炉部分。给水被供应给锅炉汽包,在那里给水被煮沸,并转化为干饱和蒸汽。
- He loses his footing on the wet floor and fall. 他在潮湿的地板上失去平衡而摔倒了。