- Success usually attends on one’s effort. 成功常伴随努力而来。
- It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech. 总统讲话的巨大影响很难估计。
- One may wish to assess one's own ancestries utilized to create the form in the womb so that one will understand what lineages require clearing the karma to prevent disease in ascension. 你可能希望测定一下自己在子宫中用于构建身体的祖先类型,以便你能弄清楚有哪些血统需要清理业力以防止疾病在提升中发生。
- They sent someone to assess the value of the house. 他们派人去估算那座房子的价值。
- Then it was their turn to assess Bethune's work. 随后就轮到大家来鉴定白求恩的工作了。
- We are trying to assess how well the system works. 我们正设法评估这个系统运行得是否顺畅。
- How to Assess the Current World Scene? 如何评估世界局势?
- The new pit is a response to the IPE's efforts to modernise. 新开张的交易所回应了伦敦国际石油交易所进行的现代化努力。
- How to Assess the Fetus in Distress? 如何评估胎儿宫内窘迫?
- What are the perspectives to assess your chances? 准确并客观地评价商业机会?
- How can it minimize the persona’s effort in reaching his goals? 人物角色完成任务时如何尽可能地减少其工作量?
- To assess the enemy's military strength. 在后方很难估计。
- We tried to assess his suitability for the job. 我们想评估一下他是否适合这项工作。
- Suprisingly most guyd were coming,Nai Woon 's effort. 插一把刀子在一个人的身体里,再拔出来,伤口就难以愈合了。
- How to assess patents and trade marks? 怎样估价专利和商标?
- To assess a property for the purpose of insurance. 为保险对财产进行估价。
- In management, it's most difficult to assess an employee' efforts. 在管理中,评价员工的工作是很难的。
- The insurance company needs to assess the risk. 保险公司需要评估风险。
- to assess one's efforts 对某人的成就作评价
- Is this one of current government objects? Is this China\'s effort to maintain and strengthen world capitalist economic structure? Wen really promotes a sort of Internationalism, isn\'t it? (英文大意:当今世界没有哪个大国领袖,会如此荒唐地自豪声称"对世界经济作贡献"的;难道这是当今中国政府的目标之一么?)