- the theory of value nature 价值本质
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- The ground put forward Marx creativity the theory of labor twoness, founded scientific labor theory of value. 马克思创造性地提出了劳动二重性的理论,创立了科学的劳动价值论。
- In this paper the studies of the theory of value in the contemporary circumstances and the special way of affiliation of modernity are the theme. 当代境遇中的价值论研究与现代性问题的相“与”之道是本文的主题。
- The theory of value chain, capital management and media strategy theory can show out the realizing channel in net medium expanding of newspaper medium. 传媒经营与管理中的产业价值链、资本运营和跨媒体理论能够表明报纸媒介向网络媒介进行拓展的实现途径。
- As is held hereafter,"human-centeredness" is a fundamental proposition in the theory of value instead of one of ontology. 从价值的产生、价值的主体、人的价值和价值评价看,价值关系的中心是人而不是物。
- The theory of value distinguish Shang Yang " s legalist mentality---liquidation of the private and founding of the public. 商鞅还提出“立公废私"的公私观,为其法治论的推行寻找价值论上的支持。
- Researchers have drawn upon the theory of games. 研究人员引用了对策论。
- Mises, as well as proponents of the Austrian School, doubts the theory of value of labor severely, but it seems that they do not properly understand the theory being criticized. 从中国及世界经济发展的实际情况看,资本家阶级仍然是一个必要的社会阶级,就此而言可以有条件地接受米瑟斯的观点;
- A specialist in the theory of education. 教育家教育理论方面的专家
- The theory of real option affirms that adaptability and flexibility of the assets and resource have strategic value, so that it can offer a new way of value assessment for M&A. 实物期权理论则肯定了资产和资源的适应性和灵活性具有战略价值,从而为企业并购提供了一种价值评估的新思路。
- The development of the theory of value was presented first, then followed by the discussion of the function of supply and demand in the determination of value in China's academe. 首先追溯了价值理论的发展,以及我国学术界时价值决定中供求作用的争论。
- Based on the theory of value engineering and control to adiabatic temperature change of mass concrete,it is proposed four-functions principle for design optimization of GHPC. 根据价值工程理论,提出了基于大体积混凝土绝热温升控制的绿色高性能混凝土(GHPC)优化设计的四功能准则。
- Einstein advanced the theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的理论。
- The mechanism of value formation of the option on coal mining right is the basis of how to use the theory of option price fixing to evaluate coal mining right. 摘要煤炭资源开采权期权价值形成机理是运用期权定价理论估价煤炭资源开采权价值的基础。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- The theory of linear economic models gale d. 线性经济模型理论。
- On the theory of language holograph? 何为语言全息论?
- Analysis on the theory of the EFP. 财政政策有效性理论剖析。
- What is the theory of the Five Elements? 什么是五行学说?