- Since the foreign language teaching staff is shorthanded, the teaching level there still has a long way to go compared with the coastal area. 由于外语教学刚刚起步,教学水平跟沿海地区相比仍有很长的路要走。
- Teaching level evaluation has become criteria of university standardization management. 摘要高校教学水平评估工作,已成为各高校规范化管理的标准。
- Encouraging students to put forward their comments on their teachers will help the teachers ameliorate teaching or be chosen better, so as to boost teaching level. 鼓励学生把他们对老师的评价说出来,有利于帮助老师改进教学或有利于学校选骋老师,以提高教学质量。
- Its main function is to realize students evaluation in teacher, thus feedback the teachers teaching level. 它的主要功能是实现学生对教师的评估,从而反馈教师的教学水平。
- Teacher is the key in implementing quality teaching and improving teaching level in physlcal education. 摘要在体育教学中,实施素质教育、提高教学质量,关键是教师。
- Since the foreign language teaching staff is shorthanded,the teaching level there still has a long way to go compared with the coastal area. 由于外语教学刚刚起步,教学水平跟沿海地区相比仍有很长的路要走。
- Since the foreign language teaching staff is shorthanded, the teaching level there still ahs a long way to go compared with the coastal area. 但是由于外语师资力量不足,外语教学水平和沿海地区相比还有很大差距。
- Nowadays, the undergraduate teaching level evaluation of our country is the main portion of higher education evaluating system. 摘要我国现行的高等教育评估制度主要是以高等学校本科教学评估为主。
- Based on modern measurement theory, Generalizability Theory, this paper evaluates the teaching level of university teachers, and put forward some suggestions to improve it. 摘要用现代测量理论-概化理论对高校教师教学水平进行评估,提出改进性建议。
- Strengthen the construction of the teacher troop, improve the teaching levels. 不断加强教师队伍建设,努力提高教育教学水平。
- Original pattern and lively explanation. In order to show the teachers teaching level and charisma, they prepared actively and overcame many difficulties, such as short time and much work. 为能充分展示我校教师的教学水平和风采,各位参赛教师克服时间紧,工作量大等种种困难,积极准备。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- It also provides concrete countermeasures to promote the traditional metalwork practice to develop in the direction of, and strengthen building the teaching group and improve the teaching level. 并提出推进传统的金工实习向现代工程实践教学方向发展、加强金工教学队伍建设和提高教学水平的具体措施。
- Undergraduate course teaching level appraisal is an important act for guaranteeing teaching quality under the historical background of our country entering popular higher education period. 开展本科教学水平评估是国家在高等教育进入大众化的历史背景下,为保证教育质量而实施的重要举措。
- Cultivation of academician web information literacy should based corresponding mechanism on state, school and class - teaching level so as to impulse its cultivation step in order. 大学生网络信息素养的培养要从国家、学校和课堂教学三个层次上建立起相应的机制,才能有序地推进其培养过程。
- The practice confirmed that these measures greately enhanced the use rate of laboratory,the interests and study effects of the students,as well as promoted the teaching level of the teachers. 实践证明,大大提高了实验室的利用率和实验的开出率,学生的实验兴趣和学习效果明显增强,也促进了教师自身水平的提高。
- The present Chinese interpretation teaching situation is, on different teaching levels, problem-ridden. 摘要当前中国口译教学在不同层次存在着不同问题。
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- Through inquiry, symposium and audition, we have investigated the situation of bilingual teaching in our university, and evaluated the teaching level by the criterion of Ministry of Education. 摘要通过问卷调查、座谈会、听课等形式,对我校本科双语教学的现状进行了调查、了解,并对照教育部教学工作水平评估指标和等级标准进行分析。
- University documentary information, collection of all kinds of objectively and systemically valuable information, has become the major content and object of teaching level evaluation. 高校档案信息是高校办学过程中各种客观真实、系统全面的有价值信息,高校档案信息已成为高校教学评估重要的内容和对象。