- teaching improper behavior 不当教学行为
- Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviors at a funeral. 在葬礼上发笑或开玩笑是失礼的行为。
- In China,if a girl smokes,boys will not date her for her improper behavior. 在中国,如果一个女孩子抽烟,就没有男孩愿意约会她,因为她举止不得体。
- I don't know local customs here, so please forgive me for my improper behavior. 我不了解这里的土俗,希望你们不要怪罪。
- In China,the opening of a gift in front of the giver is considered improper behavior. 在中国,当着送礼人打开礼物是不妥之举。
- In China, the opening of a gift in front of the giver is considered improper behavior. 在中国,当着送礼人打开礼物是不妥之举。
- The doctor was barred from practicing after he was proved guilty of improper behavior. 在被证明有不当行为后,这个医生被禁止行医。
- "The most typical improper behavior involves spitting and talking loudly in public places," he said. 李仁志说:“最典型的不文明行为就是在公共场所随地吐痰和大声喧哗。
- Damage to reputation or character caused by public disclosure of immoral or grossly improper behavior; disgrace. 耻辱由于不道德或极不合适的举动的公开曝光而造成的对其名声或品格的伤害;丢脸。
- From this respect proceed with, also can seek tie company the main road of improper behavior. 从这方面入手,也可以寻找到约束企业不道德行为的主要道路。
- Meanwhile, the improper behavior, done in the course that the profit-overstatement maker uses the interrelated tran... 力求为识假、防假、打假 ,维护券商、上市公司、投资者利益 ,规范企业上市行为及股市运作 ,做一点探讨。
- Use proper protection measures and equipments according to GUPT HSE policy. Reminding and correcting unsafe and improper behavior. 按公司要求使用适当的保护措施、安全装备。提醒及纠正工作中不安全、不恰当的行为。
- The emergence of bloggers has made it easy for anyone to track the infidelities and otherwise improper behavior of celebrities. 博客的出现让人们更容易了解名人的不忠和种种不当行为。
- I implore the various relevant agencies to do away with their own opinions, to put aside egotistical, improper behavior, and to think more of the generations to come! 恳请相关单位能摒除己见,去掉本位主义的不当行为,多为后代子孙著想吧!
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- But the lenience should not be limitless and unconditioned and teachers should have reasonable right to punish improper behaviors to ensure their role in educational activities. 但教师宽容是有限度、有条件的,对于超出教师宽容限度的教育对象的不当行为,教师拥有合理性惩罚权,确保教育活动得以顺利进行。
- His behavior is consistent with his teaching. 他的行为与其教诲相符。
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- This paper lists some improper behaviors of university students in the process of reading,probes into the reasons of the improper behaviors of university students,and provides some methods for normalizing the reading behaviors of university students. 列举了一些大学生在图书馆借阅过程中的违规行为,探讨了大学生不良行为的原因,并就如何规范大学生阅读行为给出管理的办法。