- Teaching Faculty shared the joy of BBA graduates. 教职员与商管学士毕业生一起分享这个愉快时刻。
- How would you evaluate the teaching faculty at SCUN? 你觉得学校老师怎样?
- Teaching faculty from the Seven Majors also shared with them salient features of BBA courses in a briefing session. 七大主修的老师亦在简介会内与同学分享浸大商管课程的特色。
- Over 200 BBA students and 20 teaching faculty were present to promote BBA Programme and answer their enquiries. 当天参观商学院的预科生多达数千人,令李作权大道变得水滞不通,每个主修讲座亦座无虚席。
- Twenty-four outstanding BBA students took a group photo with Dean, Associate Deans and other teaching faculty. 廿四位杰出商管生与院长、副院长及其他教职员合照。
- The crux of exerting the uttermost efficacy of the pattern is to establish multi-specialized teaching faculty,... 建立"复合型"结构师资,进行培养内容调整与优化,运用灵活的培养方式是发挥该模式最大功效的关键。
- Around 400 students and teaching faculty enjoyed the Chinese traditional dish of “Poon Choi” and variety shows. 约400位同学和老师们享受当晚的盆菜宴,以及多元化的表演节目。
- Congratulations to our BBA students and Teaching Faculty who triumphed in various competitions in the Academic Year 2008-09. 恭喜所有在2008-09学年的众多比赛中屡创佳绩的同学及教职员。
- What Humboldt aimed at was to oppose the ancient knowledge type, encourage the teaching faculty to engage in research in order to combine teaching with scientific research. 洪堡的本意只是为了反对古代知识型 ,鼓励教师从事研究 ,要求教学与科研相统一 ,着眼点在于人类自身。
- On the second day, teaching faculty of the School accompanied the participants to visit Convoy Financial Services Limited, Cyberport, Hong Thai Travel and Ocean Park respectively. 第二天,学院老师分别带领参加者到四间不同类型的公司参观,包括康宏理财、数码港、康泰旅行社及海洋公园。
- Stephen Cheung, Dean of School of Business, and 5 teaching faculty visited the students on the first day (29 August) of the BBA Orientation Camp at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village. 工商管理学院院长张仁良教授及5位老师,在迎新营的第一天(8月29日)到乌溪沙青年新村欢迎新生成为工商管理学院的一份子。
- The teaching faculty of TPT includes senior English-Chinese interpreters, English professors from best universities, foreign experts, educational theorist and senior translation counselors. 拓普堂专设的教学组,包括有:资深英语口语专家、名校英语教师、外籍专家、教育教学理论专家和资深英语口笔译顾问。
- Only be combining instant assigning with postpone assigning,short-term stimulations with long-term stimulations,can institutions of higher learning stabilize the teaching faculty,attract i... 只有把当期分配和延期分配、短期激励和长期激励结合起来,高校才能稳定队伍,吸引人才,保持竞争优势。
- Prompted howls from the teaching faculty 引起了教师们的强烈不满
- English teaching faculty construction 英语教师队伍的建设
- the construction of teaching faculty 师资建设
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- The Ruijin Hospital boasts sophisticated medical technology, well-qualified administration, research and teaching faculties. 瑞金医院拥有雄厚的医疗技术、科研教学和管理方面的力量。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。