- He took his prize and swagger back to his seat. 他领奖後洋洋得意地回到自己的座位上。
- strut and swagger 装腔作势
- Indeed, Romona did look like those figures of sex and swagger. 的确,雷蒙看起来很象那种性感十足的轻佻的人。
- He took his prize and swaggered back to his seat. 他领奖後洋洋得意地回到自己的座位上。
- The players strutted and posed for the cameras. 运动员们昂首阔步,摆好姿势让记者们拍照。
- He blustered and swaggered like a conquering hero. 他声势汹汹,不可一世。
- Despite its obvious maladies, the guitar spoke with conviction and swagger. 虽然全身是伤,这把吉他却神气活现地说著话。
- High pressure air is brought through the strut and simulates the engine air flow. 高压空气通过支板引入并模拟了发动机的气流。
- Struts and Hibernate are open source frameworks and commonly used. 其中比较流行的就有开放源码的Struts框架和Hibernate框架。
- His raucous voice and swagger reminded the husband of their village head and the more powerful of the local gentry. 那洪大而含胡的声音,那势派,都使这做丈夫的想起了村长同乡绅那些大人物的威风。
- Beside him, chickens were strutting and geese waddling. 他身旁鸡鹅成群,鸡昂头阔步地走着,鹅却摇摇摆摆。
- On this foundation,the optimization model of the splitting point of Mc Pherson strut and steering mechanism was established. 在此基础上建立了麦弗逊悬架转向梯形断开点位置优化模型。
- At 1-0 down that certainly would have been the case but we kept playing, we played some great football and there was a real confidence and swagger about us at times. 0落后时当然有些令人沮丧但我们坚持不懈,我们踢出了伟大的足球,间或我们确实感到信心十足并能昂首阔步。
- In this paper,the BSS is simplified as a curve beam with elastic supports,where the actions of strut and string are simulated as spring supports. 将张弦梁结构的上弦模拟为为曲梁,撑杆和下弦索的作用模拟为弹簧支座,探讨了其刚度变化对上弦曲梁受力性能的影响,分析了张弦梁结构的简化计算方法。
- During steering maneuvers, the strut and the steering knuckle (through the ball joint and a pivot bearing in the strut's upper retainer) turn as an assembly. 车辆转向时,支柱以及转向关节(经由球形接头与上支柱固定器之轮毂轴承)会一体旋转。
- Combination use of the oblique Shockwave induced by the leading edge of the half height strut and hydrogen pilot flame can also ignite the kerosene and hold the combustion stably. 利用半高度后掠支板和氢气引导火焰相结合的点火方式,也可以实现煤油的可靠点火和稳定燃烧。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- He struts and preens like a peacock and believes he is worthy of adoration. 他像孔雀一样趾高气扬,认为自己应该受到爱戴。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。