- stope caving method 崩落采矿法
- Tonkuangyu Copper Mine sets up a set of simple and convenient monitoring system of orebody caving state in the mine stope to use block caving method. 铜矿峪铜矿在自然崩落法采场中,建立了一整套简便易行的矿体崩落状态监测系统。
- In the process of a drawing management of stope by sublevel caving method,the stoppedtime of drawing operation is determined based on two-indexes of both drawing volume and cut-offgrade. 在无底柱分段崩落法的采场出矿管理中,采用出矿量和截止出矿品位两个指标来确定放矿截止时间。
- As a result,the short hole shrinkage method with flat bottom structure was employed to mine the stope firstly,then stoping ore pillar by medium length hole caving method. 后沟金矿采用平底结构浅孔留矿法先采矿房,后用中深孔崩落法回采矿柱,经两年多的生产实践,取得较好的技术经济指标。
- Feasible drawing interval is the basis to study mining equipment of fully-mechanize coal mining with caving method. 综放开采的合理放煤步距是研制综放工作面成套技术装备的基础,是提高综放工作面采出率与煤质的关键之一。
- Sublevel Mechanized caving method shows the characteristics of high out-put,more dust sources,high dust concentration and difficult to control. 煤矿综采放顶煤工作面开采强度大、产尘尘源多、粉尘浓度高,因而对尘毒的治理难度大。
- The paper is of important instructive importance to reduce loss and depletion by sublevel caving method without sill pilla... 并对今后无底柱分段崩落法降低损失贫化具有重要的指导意义。
- To simulate the problem,a numerical analysis method,FLAC3D is applied to analysis the depressurization range of sublevel caving method. 应用FLAC3D对分段崩落法的卸压范围进行了数值分析,据此确定出适于卸压的采场结构,由此形成了无底柱分段崩落法开采倾斜矿体的卸压开采方案。
- On the basis of industry test,this paper analyses mining feasibility of applying roadway caving method and caving broken mechanism in high gas steeply indined medium coal seams. 在工业性试验的基础上,分析了在高瓦斯急倾斜中厚煤层中应用巷道放顶煤法开采的可行性和顶煤的破碎机理。
- In light of the characteristics of Nonpillar sublevel caving method,Probability integral method is used to predict mining subsidence and modified to improve predicting accuracy. 针对无底柱分段崩落法的采矿特点,把概率积分法引入金属矿山开采沉陷预测中,并通过模型修正提高预测精度。
- The rockfall hazard will take place inevitably under the condition of steeper hillside after ground collapse or cave to ground surface caused by exploitation with caving method. 摘要在山体下进行崩落开采崩通或塌陷到地表时,在陡峭的山体地形条件下将不可避免地产生滚石灾害。
- Most of mines whore a pillarlcss sublcvcl caving method is introduced experience ground pressure, as manifested by deformation and damage of mining entrances and connecting slots. 在使用无底柱分段崩落法的矿山,大都存在着地压现象。其主要表现是采矿进路和联络道的变形破坏。
- As the first successful introduction of natural caving method in domestic nonferrous metal mine,Tongkuangyu Mine increases production capacity and reduces production costs. 铜矿峪矿作为国内第一个成功引进自然崩落法技术的有色金属矿山,提高了矿山生产能力,降低了生产成本。
- This paper analyses the reasons for the gob fire of the face with fully mechanized mining caving method in free burning seam and gives the gob fire eradication means. 分析了王营矿极易自燃煤层综放工作面采空区自燃发火的原因,提出了防治措施。
- The big parameter and multi-subsection of sublevel caving method without sill pillow combines the Caving method with the advanced theoretic and technic. 大参数多分段并行无贫化放矿的无底柱分段崩落法,是当前崩落法先进理论和技术以及工艺的综合。
- Aceording to the diffcrent conditions of mines applied non-sill sublevel caving method,various programmes for application of non-dilution ore drawing mothod are presented. 并根据无底柱分段崩落法矿山的不同情况,提出了各种应用无贫化放矿的实施方案。
- The key point of Grand pressure law on working face of seam top coal caving method,the method of dealing with them,firstly caving and end caving of working face roof control are discussed. 论述了中厚煤层综采放顶煤工作面矿压显现规律和顶板管理的特点,指出了综放工作面顶板管理的方法,以及工作面初采、收作时顶板管理的要点。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- Through emit fuzzy cluster analysis of the caving ability of 3#coal seam in Nanyang Coal Mine, it is obtained that 3# coal seam has good caving ability and is suitable for adopting top coal caving method. 通过对南阳煤矿3%23煤层冒放性模糊聚类分析,得出南阳煤矿3%23煤层冒放性较好,适合采用放顶煤开采。
- Test result clears,roadway caving method possesses adventages of simple technology,high efficiency and safety,it finds out a good method for mining high gas steeply indined middle coal seams. 试验结果表明,巷道放顶煤采煤法具有工艺简单、效率高、安全性好等优点,为高瓦斯急倾斜煤层找到了一种有效的开采方法。