Doves and wolves love to sniff puff enough to cough and sneeze. 鸽子和野狼喜欢嗅粉扑,嗅到咳嗽,打喷嚏。
Otherwise, a malicious eavesdropper on any router between your server and the end user can very easily sniff the sensitive information out of the network packets. 否则,恶意的监听者就可以在你的应用程序与最终用户之间的任何路由器上通过数据包探嗅到那些敏感的信息。
Jane sniffed the cool morning air. 简深深地吸入清凉的清晨空气。
The countess sniffed her disapproval. 女伯爵轻蔑地表示不赞同。