- The Single Market also offers opportunities. 单一市场也提供了机遇。
- Is European Market Really one Single Market? 欧盟市场真的是单一市场吗?
- Small businesses are well situated to benefit from the single market. 小企业所处的形势有利于从单一市场中受益。
- The problem is that the ten ASEAN nations have yet to form a single market. 问题是这十个东盟国家必须形成统一市场。
- A rider to the act sketched out an ambition to complement the single market with a single currency. 该法案的附文草拟了成立一个单一货币来补充单一市场的目标。
- Economists reckon that the single market has increased growth, albeit by less than promised. 经济学家们猜测,单一市场已经提高了经济增长,尽管比承诺的幅度要小。
- But the truth is that the EU's eastward enlargement brought globalisation inside the borders of the single market. 然而,欧盟在东进扩大版图的时候实际上已经在单一市场内部实施了全球化。
- Some have gone global, while others focus on a single market sector such as real estate or energy. 一些人进行全球投资,而一些则专注于某一市场比如房地产或能源。
- The European commissioners for competition and the single market have real power to shape Europe's economic destiny. 主管竞争和单一市场的欧盟委员有着真正的权力来影响欧洲的经济命运。
- The European Union's supposed single market, which the commission polices, is fractured over the issue. 欧洲委员会管理下的欧盟统一市场也因这个问题而出现裂痕。
- EMU means a single monetary policy operating within a single economic market and is therefore the logical complement to the single market in Europe today. 它意味着在单一经济市场中执行单一的货币政策,因而是对目前欧洲单一市场的必然补充。
- Companies from around the world have been attracted by the Single Market and invested in it to take advantage of the business opportunities it offers. 全球的企业都为单一市场所吸引,在这里投资,以充分利用它所提供的商业机遇。
- Some German policymakers, previously sceptical of EMU, fretted that any repeat of the crisis would be a threat to the single market. 一些德国政策制定者此前一直怀疑EMU,他们抱怨到该危机的再次重演将威胁欧洲同一市场。
- Just as important are questions of principle over member countries' authority to override the single market on sensitive issues like gambling. 这笔钱数目巨大,因此欧盟成员国有权在赌博这样的敏感问题上忽略统一市场这一原则问题。
- Derived from cybernatic angle single market and the price of many market move the way that section and amount adjust, undertook stability is analysed. 从控制论角度导出了单一市场和多市场的价格调节和数量调节的方式,并进行了稳定性分析。
- A poll of 1,000 British bosses found that 54% thought the cost of red tape outweighed the benefits of the single market. 一项针对1000名英国老板的民调显示,54%25的人认为繁琐手续的花销超过了单一市场的获利。
- From the point of the eye of economist, of European single market and euro current, desalt national territory is attrib border. 从经济学家的眼光来看,欧洲单一市场和欧元的流通,淡化了国家的领土边界。
- With 1992 and the prospect of a single market bearing down on them,many businessmen and government officials are loath to allow full Japanese competition. 1992年将届,展望单一市场已迫在眉睫,工商界人士与政府官员都不愿允许日本人全力竞争。
- With 1992 and the prospect of a single market bearing down on them, many businessmen and government officials are loath to allow full Japanese competition. 1992年将届,展望单一市场已迫在眉睫,工商界人士与政府官员都不愿允许日本人全力竞争。
- Deloitte &Touche-kui Li Jie, CEO of the view that "recession" or "global recession" is too general, a single industry or a single market will be tight going through. 德勤会计师事务所首席执行官奎励杰认为,“衰退”或“全球衰退”概念过于泛泛,单个行业或单个市场会经历紧缩。