- He shrugged aside suggestions that he resign. 对于要求他辞职的建议,他根本不予理会。
- Jens Lehmann won that race, but minutes later Anderson was shrugging aside Gilberto, who has been his captain at full national team level. 莱曼跑赢了,但是几分钟后安德森干扰了吉尔伯托,巴西人是他在国家队的队长。
- For years, Beijing officials testily shrugged aside the suspicions over the performances of its swimmers and of members of the “Ma Family Army” distance team run by coach Ma Junren. 多年来,中国政府官员愤怒地不去理会外界对中国游泳选手和马俊仁率领的“马家军”长跑队员的猜疑。
- She gave a shrug of her shoulders. 她耸了耸肩膀。
- She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling. 她能够把烦恼置之度外而依旧保持笑容。
- He drew the curtain aside to see what was going on. 他拉开窗帘看看出了什么事。
- With a shrug, he went out of the room. 他耸一下肩,走出了房间。
- It is good to be able to cast aside winter clothes. 能把冬衣搁在一边了,真好。
- She gave a shrug and walked away. 她耸了耸肩就离开了。
- She put the newspaper aside and picked up a book. 她把报纸放下,拿起了一本书。
- The carpenter flung aside all his tools in a rage. 木匠怒气冲冲地将工具扔在一边。
- She stepped aside to let them pass. 她站到一边让他们走过去。
- I admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism. 我很佩服她能对错误的批评意见不予理会。
- Joan successfully turned aside all opposition. 琼成功地避开了所有的反对意见。
- Don't just shrug your shoulders. Say something. 不要光耸肩。你讲讲话呀。
- The enemy brushed aside our defences. 敌人冲破了我们的防御工事。
- Let's put the question aside for a while. 这问题咱们暂时搁一搁。
- He moved aside for her with a polite bow. 他礼貌地鞠躬,退避一旁让她过去。
- She sets aside a bit of money every month. 她每月都存一点儿钱。
- How can you turn aside from suffering humanity? 面对受苦受难的人类,你怎么能毫无同情心呢?