- The sheer number of banks was overwhelming. 银行的数量也太多了。
- The area is under threat from the sheer number of tourists using it. 这一地区由于游客人数太多而面临威胁。
- Approach to cut down the sheer number of candidate services that might already be identified. 手段来削减候选的可能已经被确定的服务的绝对数量。
- In a pileup, the chances of sustaining injuries are multiplied because of the sheer number of vehicles involved. 在连环碰撞事故中,由于涉及的车辆多,持续受伤的次数势必成倍增加。
- The cost, combined with the sheer number of races to be decided on the same day, is likely to winnow the field. 在同一天统计处选举的绝对票数,费用可能严重超支。
- In a pileup,the chances of sustaining injuries are multiplied because of the sheer number of vehicles involved. 在连环碰撞事故中,由于涉及的车辆多,持续受伤的次数势必成倍增加。
- To a newcomer, the sheer number and variety of concepts and techniques present in GEF may feel intimidating. 对一个新手,理解GEF里一大堆新的概念和技巧可能显得太困难。
- Fragile but able to overwhelm larger units with sheer numbers. 当心易碎除了聪明的之外用绝对的数目淹没较大的单位。
- The sheer number of looky-loos has made shooting the film difficult for the small crew. 对于工作人员来说一大群围观的观众使得电影很难拍摄下去。
- "The sheer number of attacks is eating up so much bandwidth that normal operations can’t take place. "攻击的全然数字(目)(是)耗尽那么多的带宽, 因为正常的操作 ’ T 能发生。
- They were split into three groups based on the sheer number of calories consumed and the healthfulness of their diets. 根据食物卡路里含量和饮食健康程度,受调查孕妇分为三组。
- The main upshot of change is the sheer number of drugs in development-so many that they threaten to swamp clinical researchers' capacity to test them. 转机主要表现在大量药物正在开发中,其数量之多使临床研究人员几乎无力应付。
- Unfortunately, the sheer number of weight loss tips and diet tips available have made finding the right weight loss program confusing at best. 可惜众多饮食减肥小费、小费可做出正确的减重计画迷惑寻找充其量。
- The infighting of fractured rebel groups and the sheer number of displaced people with no homes to return to are also immediate and significant obstacles to peace. 破裂的叛乱团队以及显著数量的流离失所的人们的混战也是一个重要的阻碍和平的原因。
- One reason is the sheer number of galaxies in the image, but a more fundamental problem is the intrinsic faintness of some of the galaxies. 原因之一是影像中星系的数目太多,但是更根本的问题在于有些星系实在太过昏暗。
- It wasn't the sheer number of subversive essays that Demosthenes published during this voyage that would make the difference. 仅仅德摩斯梯尼在这次航程中发表的颠覆性文章的数量并不是决定性因素。
- Carney notes, however, the sheer number of newly discovered species there "is just counter to what we know about diversity. 卡尼指出,然而,在那里最新发现物种的绝对数量“与我们所知道的生态群落正好相反”。
- Due to its sheer number of users, craigslist has spawned a whole virtual community that self-regulates with its own complex rules and customs. 由于使用者太多,分类广告网站成立了一个拥有复杂的规则和习惯的完整虚拟社群。
- Scientists studying the images from the spacecraft's camera were astonished at the sheer number and variety of boulders strewn across the asteroid's surface. 在对探测器上照相机发回的照片进行研究后,科学家们对小行星表面巨石数量之多及不同的形状感到非常吃惊。