- seize on sb's idea 采纳某人的意见
- We seize on his remark and regard it as a promise. 我们抓住他的话把它当作是一种承诺。
- He must seize on a solution,however risky. 他总得采取一个解决办法,不管这个办法如何危险。
- Inflict [take, wreak] vengeance(up) on sb. 对。。。报仇[雪恨]
- Presently, he cites an example and you seize on it. 不久他举了一个例子,而你抓住了它。
- He must seize on a solution, however risky. 他总得采取一个解决办法,不管这个办法如何危险。
- Confer a rank,an office or power on sb. 授予某人官阶、职位或权力。
- He must seize on a solution , however risky . 他总得采取一个解决办法,不管这个办法如何危险。
- Are Carnalism and Hedonism Yang Zhu's Idea? “纵欲”“享乐”可能是杨朱的思想吗?
- Have an effect on sb,excite or stir sb. 影响到某人,刺激或煽动某人。
- Obama’s idea is a prescription for more disasters. 奥巴马的想法是引向更大灾难的处方。
- A to leave a deep impression on sb. 意为给某人留下了深刻的印象。
- That fellow would seize on any excuse to justify himself. 那个家伙会用任何借口来为自己辩护的。
- Emotionally dependent on sb; stay too close to sb. 感情上依靠某人;太接近某人;依恋。
- Inflict a crushing defeat on sb. 使某人一败涂地。
- She seized on the offer of a free trip. 她紧紧把握这次免费旅行的机会。
- He seized on his kit bag and ran out with his comrades. 他抓起工具袋和同志们一起奔了出去。
- People will seize on any opportunity to reduce competition. 人们会抓住一切机会减小竞争。
- It was B.B.'s idea originally, of course,' he added as an afterthought. 当然啦,起初这是B.;B
- He quickly seized on a flaw in his opponent's argument. 他很快地抓住了对方论据中的一个漏洞。