- Low tension and speed are adopted in warping, suitable amount of anti-static agent is added in sizing and side heald frames for satin fabric are located on the position of page 1, 2 to reduce the reed mark. 整经应采用小张力,低车速;浆纱时加入适量抗静电剂,并使用后上蜡;缎纹织物边综框放在第1、2页位置,以减轻筘路。
- Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on. 希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。
- Don't give the job to Reed, he'll only botch it up. 这事情不能交给里德办,他只会把事情弄糟的。
- He vainly tried to mark the defacing stain out. 他试图除去有损外观的污迹,但没有成功。
- A 16-foot reed stop on an organ. 风琴的十六音步簧
- Her school work isn't quite up to the mark. 她的功课不大符合要求。
- That was just a lot of hot air what Mark said. 马克所说的不过是一大堆空话。
- War has left its mark on the country. 战争给该国留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。
- The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 这一尽人皆知的丑闻给他的事业留下了污点。
- How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin. 马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少?
- He let me down at the last minute and turned out to be a broken reed. 他在紧急关头拆了我的台,成了背信弃义的人。
- Happy anniversary, Helen and Mark! 海伦、马克,祝你们结婚周年快乐!
- Mark and Barbara are going together now. 马克与巴巴拉现在正在谈恋爱。
- In her intemperate husband, Mrs Fang has a broken reed. 有了一个酗酒的丈夫,方太太依靠无人。
- Mark has lost his job and is worse off than ever. 马克的工作丢了,情况比以前更糟。
- He rubbed out the mark on his book. 他把他书上的记号擦掉了。
- The river banks were overgrown with reed. 河岸长满了芦苇。
- Has she ever written a letter to Mark? 她曾经写信给马克吗?
- Everyone knows Tom as an easy mark. 大家都知道汤姆是个容易上当受骗的人。
- Do you feel up to the mark this morning? 今天早上你觉得怎么样。