- reduced transition probability 约化跃迁几率
- DMC is symmetric if its transition probability matrix is symmetric. 如果转移概率矩阵是对称的,则称DMC是对称的。
- Atomic transition probability measurement in HCD[J]. 引用该论文 熊夏幸;景春阳;林福成.
- Based on the diffusion equation, the transition probability density of stock prices is calculated by means of the Monte-Carlo method. 摘要在扩散方程对股价运行描述的基础上,用蒙特卡罗方法得出未来某一时刻股价转移概率密度的数值解。
- Total radiative transition probability of ~3H_4 energy levelrises evidently and lifetime of ~3H_4 energy level dps sharply. ~3H_4辐射几率增大,能级寿命明显降低。
- For BMAP/SM/1 queue,we derive the generating function of queueing length by use of imbedded markov chain and transition probability matrix. 关于BMAP/SM/1排队模型,运用嵌入马氏链的方法,通过转移概率矩阵,得到队长的概率母函数。
- In this dissertation, we mainly study state transition probability of two-unit series system and paralleled system and stable availability of system. 本文主要研究两个不同型部件、一个修理设备组成的串联系统和并联系统的状态转移概率性质,以及系统的稳态可用度。
- In this paper,we study a limit property of the harmonic mean of random transition probability for a nonhomogeneous Markov chain indexed by a tree. 本文研究树上非齐次马氏链随机转移概率的调和平均极限性质,所得结果将非齐次马氏链上随机转移概率调和平均性质推广到树图上。
- Transition probability is used widely in analysis of workflow,such as process re-engineering,QoS management of workflow. 转移概率广泛地应用在工作流的分析中,如过程重组、工作流服务质量管理等。
- Thirdly, a data perturbing method is described to perturb original data by applying “single attribute transition probability matrix”. 然后描述了通过“单属性转移概率矩阵”来变换原始数据的数据变换方法。
- The definition of the Markov chain M matrix is stated and some of its properties are proved, base on canonical representation of the one-step transition probability matrix. 在一步转移概率矩阵典型化的基础上,给出马尔可夫链M矩阵的定义并证明它的一些性质。
- The product result of intra-scale correlational state and inter-scale correlational state is looked as a new hidden state transition probability for HMT in DCWT. 再把复系数尺度内状态标识与复小波域隐马尔可夫树相结合,从而实现降噪功能。
- Calculation of transition probability matrix and fixed vector of the well profiles in the area shows, from a quantitative point of view, the vertical evolution law of the sedimentary series and the transversal environmental difference. 通过多步转移概率矩阵和固定向量计算,从定量的角度说明了研究区内部分钻井剖面陆表海沉积在垂向上演化的规律性及反映在横向上的古环境差异性。
- Some were already fretting that China’s chummier cross-strait relationship with Taiwan is reducing transit commerce through Hong Kong. 还有人担心大陆同台湾越来越亲密的关系导致了通过香港的商业贸易活动越来越少。
- The paper uses the theory and method of Markov Chain to construct the transition probability matrix of land structure and predict the land structure in 2010 and 2020,and analyzes the features of land structure transition. 运用马尔柯夫链的理论与方法,构建1996-2004年间扬州市土地利用类型转移的概率矩阵,预测扬州市2010和2020年的土地利用结构,并分析了其变化特征。
- Ants algorithm was applied to credit risk assessment in commercial banks and satisfactory results were obtained. The original ants algorithm are improved in two aspects: transition probability and pheromone trail update mechanism. 对原蚁群算法的转移概率和信息素更新机制进行改进,并首次将蚁群算法应用于商业银行的信用风险评估问题,取得满意的结果。
- Improving the PageRank algorithm by looking N-step forward is proposed when constructing the transition probability matrix. the motivation comes from the similar "looking N-step forward" strategy that is successfully used in computer chess. 受计算机象棋算法设计中一个很成功的策略:“多看几步”的启发,改进和推广了经典PageRank算法,提出了更为一般的N-stepPageRank算法,它在计算网页的转移概率时利用了网页N步的链接信息。
- By introducing the transition probability parameter, we show that the general dynamic equation for which short interest rate satisfies and set up the discrete term structure model, which extends BDT model. 本文通过引入转移概率参数,证明了短期利率满足的一般动态变化方程,建立了离散形式的利率期限结构模型,讨论求解方法,从而拓展了BDT模型。
- Two methods of parameter estimation of discrete observation in HMM are proposed in this paper. One estimates the transition probability and the distribution of discrete symbol set at first. Each state is assumed to be from a Gaussian distribution. 给出了两种离散HMM参数估计,一种是首先估计HMM的转移概率和直接估计离散符号集的分布,然后假设各状态都是正态分布,再从符号集的离散概率分布,来估计正态概率分布的参数(GMM);
- In a singe pipe wall corrosion prediction model, the transition probability matrix is confirmed by curve fitting method, and a practical example is given for predicting residual wall thickness. 在单一管段管壁腐蚀预测模型中,应用曲线拟合确定转移概率矩阵,并用实例对剩余壁厚发展状况进行了预测。