- That thin red line tipped with steel. 那根细细的红线末端装有钢头。
- The red lines on the map represent railways. 这张地图上的红线代表铁路。
- I think the "red line" was predominant. 我看,主导方面是红线。
- Use the red line to position the task. 使用红线定位该任务。
- The issue of sovereignty is a red line that cannot be crossed. 主权问题是一条不能跨越的红线。
- In this chart, the red line represents the ideal model. 在该图表中,红线表示理想模型。
- When you are reading, mark each new word with a red line. 读书的时候,用红线标一下生词。
- What i'm supposed to find on the red line ? +Vss........ -Vss ? 提供更多的兴奋你的生活,使爆米花火锅开放!
- On this map red lines designate main roads. 在这张地图上,红线标示主要道路。
- This red line runs perpendicularly to the green line. 红线笔直地向绿线延伸。
- Where there is a mistake, mark it with a thick red line. 在错误的地方划上红杠。
- My suitcase is black and there is a red line across it. 我的手提箱是黑色的,上面有个红线十字。
- Red lines on the map correspond to major roads. 地图上的红线相当于主要道路。
- Red lines were drawn under the topic sentences. 主题句下都画了红杠。
- The red lines on the map represents railways. 这张地图上的红线表示铁路。
- The red lines on the map stand for railroads . 地图上的红线代表铁路。
- The red line represents products in the high volume, low margin category. 红色的线条代表的是来自低利润率而量大的产品收入。
- The red line is your aimer and can be moved with left/right/up/down. 红线是你的目标可以用左/右/上/下来移动。
- You can't mistake their car, it's got a bright red line all over it. 你不会认错他们的车,那辆车上有道亮红色的条纹。
- She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck. 她看到他晒成青铜色的脖子被浆硬的领子磨出的红印时差点笑了出来。