- The exploitation of Upper Computer includes the designing of the controlling map,setting up the database of operation and real time curve of water quality,accomplishing the system alarm,building and printing the report forms of the factory. 上位机监控软件的开发:按照污水处理流程开发了污水处理设备的监控画面,建立了设备操作、设备状态与水质参数的数据库及水质参数的实时曲线,完成了系统实时报警功能,实现了全厂生产报表的自动生成与打印功能;
- This will be very quick. It will be real time. 它将是非常快捷和实时的。
- Windows NT can be used in real time systems. 窗口新台币能在真正的时间系统中被用。
- Fabrication process control in real time. 同步的制造程序控制。
- This box will have the entire routine in real time. 这个屏幕将展示出这个流程的真正的时间。
- Non- parameters adaptive real time control. 非参数自适应实时控制。
- The images are created in real time. 这些图像是马上创作出来的。
- It can acquire data from six channels at real time. 它能通过六个通道实时采集要求的相关配变台区运行数据;
- Real time telemetering the working state of UPS. 实时遥测UPS的工作状态。
- The ballistics is faultless, true 3D Real Time. 弹道是完美无缺的,真三维实时的。
- Machine limits are validated in real time. 及时告知机床的有效范围.
- Based on the model, an active exploration strategy is proposed to reduce the effect of the specular reflection while ensuring the efficiency of map building. 给出了该模型的建立及更新算法,并基于该模型提出了一种主动探测策略,在保证探测效率的同时减小了超声波传感器的镜面反射产生的不良影响。
- If they missionaries, Real time visionaries. 看看你自己的下场。
- VBR-NRT? Variable Bit Rate Non Real Time? 非实时可变比特速率?
- The blog records Jasper's walkabout real time. 博客记录着羽中路上的时时刻刻.
- Of course, kinescope is real time for certain. 当然,录像肯定是实时的。
- Notes: When real time mode is switched on, you will not be able to alter the map time or date manually. 当实时模式选中后将不能改变星图的日期和时间。
- In ground vehicle navigation system with GPS,it is necessary that data in GPS receivers be displayed on the digital road map in real time. 在GPS地面车辆导航系统中,需要将GPS接收机收到的数据在电子地图中实时地显示出来。
- It also gives detailed information of the method of building the cinetheodolite 3D real time interactive virtual scene. 其次,详细论述了生成经纬仪3D实时交互虚拟场景的方式和绘制流程;
- Because of high spaceflight laboratory fees, it is impractical to take star-pictures real time in order to debug star sensor and test the algorithm of star map identification. 摘要由于航天实验费用大,为测试星敏感器性能和星图识别算法,需在地面构建天文导航半物理仿真试验平台。