put someone on的用法和样例:
- put someone on his mettle 考验某人
- put someone on his good behavior 规劝某人放规矩些,警...
- put someone on guard 劝某人警惕,让某人提...
- put dots on someone 使某人厌烦
- put someone on a diet 给某人规定饮食...
- put pressure on someone 对某人施加压力...
- put a price on someone 悬赏缉拿某人(不论生...
- put the heat on someone 逼使某人付款...
- put the double on someone 耍诡计欺骗某人,出卖...
- put a head on someone 击败某人
- put someone on his ear 使某人生气
- put someone on <口>欺骗
- put a double on someone 耍诡计欺骗某人,出卖...
- put someone on its feet 使某人恢复以前的地位...
- put someone on a pedestal 把某人当作偶象崇拜,...
- put the blame on someone 诿过于某人,把责任加...
- put someone on his guard 劝某人警惕,让某人提...
- put someone on the spot 使某人处于难堪地位...
- put one over on someone 欺骗某人
- put a trick on someone 欺骗某人