- plumbers and pipe fitters 管子工和管道安装工
- The pipe fitters sometimes have to labour under the ground. 管疲乏工人有时不得不在地下工作。
- Use in seawater, brackish water ,condensers, heat exchangers and pipe work. 海水、微咸水、冷凝器、热交换器和管道工程;
- Yet public fears about Polish plumbers and other bogeymen are real enough. 然而大家对波兰水管工人和其他怪人的担心是很现实存在的。
- Condition assessment of high temperature piping and pipe hangers. 对高温管道系统以及吊管架进行状态状况评估。
- Even men who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics. 甚至那些连一枚钉子都钉不直的男人都被认为是天生的电工、木匠、水管工和机械师。
- Industrial structural steel , machinery and piping . 工业结构钢、机器及管道。
- Without them, construction becomes a comedy ? or tragedy ? of plumbers and electricians bumping into cement trucks. 没有他们,建筑会变成一个水管工人和电工撞进水泥卡车的戏剧或者悲剧。
- Other pipes are PP-R pipe and pipe fittings with thermal connection. 其余给水管材均采用PP-R管及管件,热熔连接。
- Even husbands who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians,carpenters,plumbers and mechanics. 虽然丈夫连一根钉都钉不直,但他们被认为是天生的电气技师、木匠、管子工和机械师。
- Drain pan installed and piped into an adequate drain. 安装排水盆,并用管道引导到适当的排水口。
- Even husbands who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics. 甚至那些连一枚钉子都钉不直的男人都被认为是天生的电工、木匠、水管工和机械师。
- They’re crispy, greasy, slathered in sauce, and piping hot. 他们香脆可口,色泽油亮,涂着厚厚的酱汁,热气扑鼻。
- Using factory authorized replacement parts, American offers a full line of parts to retailers, professional plumbers and wholesalers worldwide. “美国人”能够为全世界的零售商、专业管道共和批发商提供经过工厂认可的替换配件。
- By lagging the hot water tank and pipes you can reduce energy loss. 通过给热水箱和管道包上保温材料,可以减少能量损失。
- And our house would have running water and pipes that worked. 我们的房子会有自来水,水管运行良好。
- Soft-wing aircraft manufactured by Chiu Shui-wen, a plumber and electrician in Taipei. 台北水电匠邱水文研制的软翼飞机。
- Bricklayers, plumbers and carpenters are among the occupations affected, as demand for skilled staff falls in Australia's slowing building and construction sectors. 受到影响的行当包括砖瓦工、水暖工和木匠.;由于澳大利亚的建筑行业增长放缓,导致该行业技工需求下降。
- He's been ill and isn't fit for work yet. 他一直在生病,尚不能工作。
- However, job opportunities for skilled plumbers and pipefitters are expected to be excellent, as growth in demand outpaces the supply of workers trained in this craft. 而由于行业培训的数量远远低于水管和管道工的需求量,所以拥有技术的水管和管道工人的发展空间将会很大。