- The bridge abutment No.0 sits on the foundation of rock-socketed pile groups embedded in thick soft groundsill. 桥台南侧为粉喷桩结合土工格栅处理的高填方路堤连接段。
- According to the principle of the minimum potential energy, the deformation of single tension pile and pile groups was analyzed using a modified variational approach. 根据最小势能原理,使用修正变分法来分析抗拔单桩和抗拔群桩的变形。
- Furthermore, a mass of numerical calculations of the internal force of pile group under different magnitude and obliquity loads is made by the program. 此外,采用本文程序对不同荷载量级及倾角下群桩基础的内力进行了大量的数值计算。
- Proved the appearance of the efficiency of pile groups and together got thecharacter of the changing of Ux,Uy and Sx by comparing with the four modelsmentioned above. 通过单桩-土体模型分别与两桩-土体模型和三桩-土体模型 Ux、Uy、Sx的对比,证明了群桩效应的产生,并得到了群桩 Ux、Uy、Sx的变化特点;
- According to the laboratory measurements of velocity and water level which were obtained before and after seting up of pile group. 通过对河道修建高桩码头前、后的流速分布及水位试验分析得出:随着桩群长度的增加,同一根垂线上的流速分布趋于均匀。
- The effect of the pile group on the current is simulated by increasing the sea bed roughness which can be determined with empirical equations of arti- ficial roughness. 文中采用加大海底糙率来模拟群桩对水流的影响,桩基的糙率系数由经验性的人工糙率公式求得。
- Restricted by understand level and computational method, many engineers employ the traditional means for pile groups to design thinned pile foundation, apparently, a good deal of resource is extravagant. 然而由于认识水平和计算手段所限,许多设计工程师还是采用传统的群桩设计方法进行设计,造成很大的浪费。
- As the refined load-transfer method, an approximate elastic method, can be extended directly to pile groups using the transfer matrix, it has been used to analyze the single pile in stratified soil. 本文采用剪切位移法分析成层地基中的单桩沉降问题,然后得到软质基岩上嵌岩桩沉降计算的简化模型。
- Considering pile group work in coordination with loess foundation, the pile group effect in loess foundation is analyszed by F.E.M,Some regulars are obtained for engineering design reference. 利用有限元法考虑桩土的变形协调,分析了在黄土地基中承台-桩-桩间土共同作用的机理,得到了若干规律,对实际工程设计具有实用意义和参考价值。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- The suitability of the models was examined by simulated load test of pile group of 4 piles model. 对4桩基础模型试验结果进行了拟合分析,验证了计算模型的适用性;
- It was mentioned that pile group could be comprised of piles with various lengths, radiis and stiffness modulis.Raft with any shape and depth could be studied accurately. 该方法可以分析由任意桩长、桩半径和刚度特性的桩群以及任意厚度和几何外形的筏板组成的竖向受荷桩筏基础。
- This matrix could be used to analyze both displacement and shear force along the depth of piles in long-short pile group without discretization of the soil or piles. 应用该方法时,桩体不需要划分单元,而且对于不同长度的桩组成的群桩基础具有分析过程的不变性和最终刚度矩阵大小的不变性。
- Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. 你的信压在一堆文件下面了。
- Do you teach your students singly or in groups? 你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?
- I bet they are making a pile out of the deal. 我肯定他们这笔生意一定赚大钱。
- He has been pile with work since he came here. 自从来这儿以后他一直有做不完的工作。
- The car was now just a pile of twisted metal. 那辆汽车已经成了一堆压缩的废铁了。
- The clothes lie huddle up in a pile in the corner. 衣服乱成一团,堆放在角落里。
- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。