- locally perfectly adequate language 局部完善适切语言
- perfectly adequate language 完善适切语言
- He is perfectly adequate to his new job. 他对新工作完全胜任。
- Prof.Keeffe: And I think it's perfectly adequate to do it that way. Keeffe教授:我认为这样做足够了。
- Perfectly adequate for most household purposes, manual typewriters are especially useful for students and beginners. 手动打字机非常适合于家用,尤其对学生及初学者更为有用。
- Perfectly adequate for most household purposes,manual typewriters are especially useful for students and beginners. 手动打字机非常适合于家用,尤其对学生及初学者更为有用。
- Its simplicity and familiarity is perfectly adequate for a plurality of all users. 它的简单和友好完全满足了所有用户中的绝大部分的需求。
- With developments in DNA profiling techniques, saliva samples from the mouth are perfectly adequate to produce an accurate DNA profile. 随着作DNA剖析图技术的发展,口中的唾液样品完全足够获得精确的DNA剖析图。
- I find it perfectly adequate. 我觉得还好而已.
- British officials say the current draft text is acceptable if "adequate language" is included on the Holocaust and antisemitism, but they are also anxious to retain European solidarity. 英国官员说目前的草案如果包含对大屠杀和反犹主义“足够多的陈述”,将是可以接受的,但是他们又对保持欧洲的团结忧心忡忡。
- absolutely well adequate language 绝对良性适切语言
- absolutely non well adequate language 绝对非良性适切语言
- locally completely adequate language 局部完全适切语言
- locally strongly adequate language 局部强适切语言
- absolutely completely adequate language 绝对完全适切语言
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- You needn't labor a point that is perfectly plain. 这点很明显,你用不着讲个没完。
- I hope he will be adequate to the job. 我希望他将胜任这一工作。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- His knowledge is adequate to do this job well. 他的知识足可胜任这项工作。