- Pater drank off a whole litre of beer all at once. 佩特一口就喝了一升啤酒。
- Highest grade was of Pater (father) under Saturn. 最高级别就是土星之下的佩特(父亲)级别。
- Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritm meum. 父亲呀,我把我的灵魂交给你了。
- Pater lives in 35.Bridge street. 彼得住在大桥街35号。
- Can we imagine life without pater or print? 我们能想象没有纸和印刷术的生活吗?
- At last,the practical design is discussed in the pater. 最后对LED照明设计进行了具体的探讨,包括LED管壳的设计和LED的系统设计两方面。
- In this pater, a brief introduction to the ATIS was presented. 在简要介绍 ATIS系统的基础上 ,讨论了 ATIS系统所应面向的用户类型 ;
- In this aspect,I think,pater bags have the edge on plastic bags. 我认为在这方面纸袋要比塑料袋强一点儿.
- Appartement House Pater with Pool : Book Now - Pay Later! 享有订房75%25的优惠,免预定费!
- Pater and John are in league against the other boys . 彼得和约翰联合起来对付其他男孩。
- There five chapters in this pater, and the main contents are as following. 本论文共分五章,其主要内容如下:
- In the present pater, we only deal with interval linear equations problem. 本文讨论了线性结构系统具有区间不确定性问题即区间线性方程组的求解问题。
- We should be thankful that Walter Pater did not fix his attention on this play. 通过多次阅读文本,我却得到了与此不同的阅读体验。
- Pauls Church Yard, Bew in Pater Noster Row, and Sewil in Cornhill, 1779. 出版商: London : Sold by Dodsley in Pall Mall; Rivington's in St.
- In the nineteenth century the goddess quality of the work inspired many writers but particularly the English aesthete Walter Pater. 19世纪时,这幅作品的女神般品质给了许多作家、尤其是英国美学家沃尔特·佩特以灵感。
- But when Walter Pater wrote that art aspires to the condition of music, there goes the baby whizzing to the ground along with the bath water. 然而当沃尔特·佩特写道艺术渴求音乐的条件时,就像连婴儿带澡水全部泼掉一样,精华与糟粕一样丢掉了。
- This pater analyzed its heat transfer mechanism and determined the bellows tube to be a type of enhanced heat transfer effective element. 通过分析波节管的传热机理,证明它是强化传热的有效元件。
- To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life (Walter Pater). 总是燃着这样强烈的玉石一般的火焰,总保持这种极度的喜悦便是生活中的成功(沃尔特 佩特尔)。
- For instance, the Sanskrit word for "father", Pitar, was quite like the Latin word pater. 例如,梵语中“父亲”是pitar,很像拉丁语pater。
- He was made to order for Bethune, who now invoked the famous Pater dictm with a vengeance. 他正合白求恩的口味,白求恩彻头彻尾应用上了他的名言。