离地面的; 头顶上的; 上空的,架空的 raised above the ground; above one's head
adv. (副词)
在头顶上,在空中 above one's head; in the sky
在楼上 above the building
n. (名词)
[P](企业的)经费 regular expenses involved in running a business, e.g. rent, light, heating, salaries
the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
(computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command
(computer science) the disk space required for information that is not data but is used for location and timing
a transparency for use with an overhead projector
(nautical) the top surface of an enclosed space on a ship
a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head