- lecture her severely 着实责备了她一顿
- I asked her several times to come but she categorically refused. 我三番五次请她来,她都断然拒绝了。
- For all her personal unconventionality, and her strong views on a wide range of issues, George Eliot never allowed her novels to become places where she would lecture her readers. 尽管艾略特毫不因袭守旧,且在一系列问题上都有自己独到的见解,但她从不把自己的小说搞成对读者说教的场所。
- She lectured her children on good table manners. 她告诫孩子们要有好的餐桌礼仪。
- He sold her several nice cuts of beef. 他卖给她几块上好的牛肉。
- Her chief fame rests on her several films. 她的名声主要来自她的几部影片。
- I have warned her several times. 我已经警告她好几回了。
- Kali is one of Her several forms. 卡利是她的几个形态之一。
- I guessed what happed from her several words. 我从她说的几句话中猜出发生什么事了。
- If you don't do what the doctor says you'll have to go to the hospital, the mother admonished her severely. 如果你不按大夫说的去做,你就要去医院了,母亲严厉地警告她。
- If you don't do what the doctor says you'll hxdye to go to the hospital, the mother admonished her severely. 如果你不按大夫说的去做,你就要去医院了,母亲严厉地警告她。
- I had to explain the problem to her several times before the penny finally dropped. 那问题我给她解释了好几次,最後她才明白。
- Elena is better at backhand stroke,which earned her several points. 埃琳娜的反手球打得好些,她因此而得了几分。
- I asked her several questions,but she would not answer any of them. 我问她几个问题,但她一个都不想回答。
- He was constantly interfering in her life, lecturing her, ordering her about. 他总是干涉她的生活,对她指手画脚,指挥得团团转。
- I dope out what have happened from her several sentences. 我从她说的几句话中猜出发生什么事了。
- I figured out what had happened from her several sentences. 我从她说的几句话中猜出发生什么事了。
- She begs them not to punish her son severely. 她恳求他们不要给他儿子太重的处罚。
- She ran over her notes before giving the lecture. 她讲课前把讲稿匆匆看了一遍。
- His answer is just a rehash version of my lecture. 他的回答只不过是把我的讲义重复了一遍。